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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. The girl according to portuguese police is dead. She was killed by her mother. According to them, the girl's mother, wanted to get rid of the child's noise (probably she was playing with the other McCann children) gave her some pills to fall asleep, tricking her somehow (probably she said it was caramels) She gave her too many pills, so the girl died. The parents say that they are innocent, and they act like they were criminals, being aggressive when they are blamed. They were allowed to return to their country , but they will face the court in some days again PS Rumours say that some especially trained dogs, which can smell death, smelled it on them...
  2. Geia sou re 8eio! Etsi panta na eisai sthn zwh sou psyxremos kai aisiodoxos
  3. an paei apo kei pou menei 8essalonikh me treximo 8a sou r8ei 20 kila ligotero :P
  4. my weps in gold never break before +11 with derf's tactic. Imo this never worked
  5. ama m'afhnane kai gw toso 8a ka8omouna :p Sovara twra, oi kinezoi einai ypervolika kamenoi!
  6. pesta re demonic, ase re me exoun prixei, friaxnoun ta malia, forane vraxiolia, mexri kai gay ginonte! Dld eleos
  7. exw bouxthsei me to 8ema. Siga siga oloi emo ginonte! Den tous antexw allo, lew na metanasteusw stis indies!
  8. I said [GR] but for a little translation use: ''intitle:index of" and then the name of a file you want (usefull for warez) inurl:"viewerframe?mode refresh" to see from security cameras ar ound the world "robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype:txt to see some things that google didn't want you to intitle:index of ws_ftp.ini for ws ftp hacks, meaning you can find everything in an ftp, even passwords
  9. epeidh exw paixei ekei kai xerw, sou lew oti den sou kanoune ban ama exeis dyo+ diaforetikous paiktes na paizoun. Twra ama exeis ena typa me 2 para8yra, tote tha fas ban (char ban mono)
  10. First, we are not a warez forum. Second, even if we were, nobody whould share a steam activation key, because they should pay to have one, and there's no generator, or a way to create one Good Night
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11600.0
  12. to eida to video noble. Oraio to skylaki emena na to diko mou, 6 xronwn alla to agapame san na htan mazi mas 250 xronia
  13. eleos.... auto exw mono na pw... (den ine ths peristashs, alla den borw na dw to video) , anyways, h zwh synexizete file noble. Emena mou pe8anan dyo gatia , thn idia mera, alla se 2 vdomades allh gata genise kai apektisa 5. Kati tha ginei kai se sena file noble, hremise...
  14. pote egine auto re ?? MORH THN KARIOLA POU TO PATHSE TO ZWNTANO!!! NA PANE NA GAMI8OUNE, POu PERNANE TO DIPLOMA NYXTA se niw8w, exw xasei apo amaxi 2 gatakia , 3 mhnwn kai 8 antistoixa. rip muftako
  15. [shadow=red,left]1063[/shadow]
  16. well, den ine oloi xwris filodoxies file nazghoul :(
  17. afto isws 8ewri8ei adiko kai racistiko. To site pleon den ine elliniko, einai die8nes (.com) ara oloi exoun ta idia dikaiwmata. Ase pou yparxoun kai ellines pou isws to ekmetaleutoun kai leecharoun ta panta (px necroxisia pou anoixe kai diko tou forum)
  18. my worst game was ... um... a talking book "Xefteris" I used to spent my time with when i was 5 xD
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