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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. MaXa8hke na ftiaxtei ena swsto thread?
  2. sorry re file alla se tetoio pm DEN MPOREIS na mhn apanthseis analoga :P
  3. Ok problem solved topic locked.
  4. Katevaste opera, valte auto-refresh kai afhste to pc 150 meres anoikto = OOPS, 150d 0h 0m 0s ;p
  5. I approve this thread
  6. Topic Locked, Site doesn't work, server probably down.
  7. Nice, humor :P BTW Den to klepsa! 4 meres to xa! Tyxaia anakalypsa oti o allos exei to idio! Ki ama deis einai diaforetika >:(
  8. Yeh this program pwns , but it's legal, it's considered a bot by Blizzard and they may ban you, just use it when you are sure that no GM is around.
  9. Me: hai thar God: Ask me another question. Me: I hate questions. God: Why do you hate it so much? Me: Character God: I'm sorry to hear it. Me: I'm sorry you are sorry to hear it God: There is no need to apologize. Thanks for telling me that I am sorry to hear it. Me: This place blows. God: What does "this" refer to? Me: This site? God: What does "this" refer to? Me: That. God: That is " What does "this" refer to?". Me: Aye sir. God: I've been waiting for you. Me: O rly? God: I do not understand. Me: Oh really? God: Gee. For real. Me: Why? God: Reductionism. Me: I love reductionism, it makes me horny God: You love reductionism it makes you horny. What do you like about it so much? Me: big boobs God: Compare that to small boobs. Me: Yeah, big difference I tell you God: Yay. Compare that to small difference you tell me. Me: Thn koloky8ia 8a pai3oume twra? God: What color are your eyes? Me: Pink with yellow stripes. God: That is a very unusual color. Me: Not for an alien. God: Then what for? Me: you God: " Then what for?"? Me, ? Me: Aye God: Right on. Me: You don't talk much After this point it stopped, he couldn't reply. The site got down I guess ^^.
  10. Pantos osoi ta ftiaxnoun auta to xoun psa3ei to 8ema me ta visual illusions
  11. You must start going out you know, staying in front of the monitor too long damages your nerves
  12. Heh no worries. 3.1 screwed a lot of things, I made a dk on Draenor in 3.0.1 and in like... 2 months, he went from Overpowered to underpowered , yet he's still fun to play so I keep leveling him whenever I have free time.
  13. Wow, that must be nice cool! Really nice share from you mate. Since we play WoW we may be tired ,because of the old crappy graphics. But now it's gonna be something new! Keep sharing cool stuff ;)
  14. Ok problems solved topic locked. Any further questions can be answered through PMs.
  15. 1.Msn 2.Skype 3.Firefox 4.WMP 5.Garena 6.(maybe) wow
  16. Ain't it instant in 3.1? I thought they changed it to make it more useful.
  17. Real Mardid was amazing during the period 1990-2002 Before it was like AEK in Greece, always one of the best in Spain but not always the best. PS. I prefer Rmad too. INTOPIC : I think M United will win this cup cause of their nice roster + better formations. They are not as offensive as they used to be but their solid strategy 'll probably win this Champion's League
  18. Ty re kai 3ereis exw ena pc me 127 kai 8elw na ta megalwsw alla eixa kapoies amfivolies
  19. Na gelasw twra h meta? Na agorazei o Kenji 24 mbps, na perimenei 2 mhnes na tou thn valoun kai na plhrwnei Xwris na exei internet, na tou vazoun to internet kai na katevazei me 10 kbps kai na ton petaei synexeia e3w kai to les esy auto toP? Na agorazei allos gnwstos mou internet kai na ton petaei ka8e 3 lepta kai na mhn mporei na mpei kana misawro? Kai to les esy auto top?
  20. auto htane apo ena vrazilianiko sirial pou evlepa sthn prwth dhmotikou :P
  21. Ok topic cleaned. If you wanna ask something , pm the author. Don't spam.
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