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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Thank you for that mate. I will update it soon with Gem Info, talents, and some improved tactics. But I need someone to host it for me or else it'll keep getting deleted.
  2. I've been working for months on this project and I believe it's finally over. This guide contains: I. Creating a Warrior II. Talent Trees III. Leveling IV. Raiding V. PvP VI. Macros VII. Glyphs VIII. Gear IX. General Tips It will help the new warrior understand the mechanics and start pvping / raiding like a true player. So What are you waiting for? Go For it! http://rapidshare.com/files/362016010/NotAbastard_s_Warrior_Guide..rar (link by `BloodyWarrior^) PS. Some links containing many talent trees for you to choose are coming soon. I'd like someone to host the file in their account because my RS account is going to expire and I don't want the link to die.
  3. Γιατί την σκότωσες ρε συ, έλεος με τον εθνικισμό...
  4. όλοι για τα πανηγύρια είστε, μου θέλετε και στέψη τρομάρα σας
  5. here's the stock lol he just added the rain effect xD
  6. Το θέμα είναι ότι δν γίνεται να απαγορευτούν τα greeklish γιατί υπάρχουν κι ¨Ελληνες κάτοικοι εξωτερικού που δν έχουν Ελληνικά Windows...
  7. Ναι και στην Νέα Υόρκη έχουνε ουρανοξύστες με 100 ορόφους. Στο Ελλάντα ζεις, συμβιβάσου με αυτά που σου προσφέρουν.
  8. iounio tou 10 h tou 12?
  9. Άσε... Έχω ρίξει γράψιμο στα Ελληνικά... Τις εργασίες τις ομαδικές τις κάνω μόνος μου γιατί ο διπλανός είναι στουρνάρι...
  10. Εγώ βαριέμαι τους γαμωτόνους or else θα 'γραφα μόνο Ελληνικά...
  11. Text lessson number one: Remove that freaking stroke. It's ugly, it doensn't fit in this type of sig. Text lesson number two: Adapt a C.mask on it or use some shiny effects, or else make it small. The text is either a part of your sig that accompanies the focal and boosts it, or it's used with discretion , just as a small tag in your sig to let the others know that you made it
  12. LOL managed to get him at mod confident but now my space is malfunctioning , i 'll have to remove to check if something 's broken
  13. fail wikipedia? This one is for printers lol The CPI or DPI for mouses means counts per inch or something like that
  14. I looooove everything about the siggy except the text. You, yerself, kept saying that the use of blending options destroyed it, yet yeh used them! But the siggy is amazing good job!
  15. I got this the other day pretty expensive but lovely
  16. 8a valw rasa, 8a parw ena paketaki rizi kai 8a nty8w paparizou
  17. Gia healer disciple h shadow priest gamane kefalia , einai imba kai dn peftoun Gia skotwstres Rogue, warrior, mage ( Rogue giati kanei trelh zhmeia me blind + sap , Warrior giati exei polla snares kai aoes pou voh8oun to team, kai mage giati exei poly, POLY CC kai rixnei kalo 3ylo)
  18. Well the answer to your question Coyote is connected to human selfishness A happy person with reachable dreams will answer that life is a gift, a miracle and it's worth to live and enjoy every moment of it , no matter what. An unhappy person will say that the negative things in this world are more than the positive, way more, and trying to survive in this river that passes through a thousand rocks is not worth it. I'm neutral. My life is not perfect but it doesn't mean I'm not gratefull for the things I already have. Besides, if something is wrong, you can always try hard and correct it.
  19. I don't think that he wants to say that. There are many different types of education. There's the education we recieve at school, the basic education as we call it, there's the philosophical education and so on. You need to have deep thoughts, great experiences and proper ambitions to be able to answer Shakespeare's questions, and I think there are no people in this topic with THIS type of "education" :)
  20. i'll Answer using the words of Roberto Begnini: La vita è bella!
  21. I have to agree. That's not metal they are singing. Their riffs are nothing special, solos are just normal , i'd choose CoB any time against those dudes.
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