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Everything posted by lion

  1. vamav3che, could you please share how I can have IG work on Dnet? tks
  2. agree, I prefer l2, but l2 could have more quest high lvl
  3. weird, I have it in a IL server, but not on one HB server.
  4. And about the updates/bugs?
  5. anyone knows how to do that? Im wanna konw that too! =/
  6. How can I save another IP in WABY????
  7. How can I save another IP in WABY?
  8. for me back to work
  9. I cant log too =/
  10. I got "l2walker not found" when i click on "token.exe". Any one know how i can fix it ? PS: I use vista x64 and IG works fine.
  11. I got the same problem of a bit people... everything works fine but i got Token problem on OOG mode. "after 3-4 seconds of silence i get Error: walker not found. Vista Businese x64". Some one got the solution ?
  12. Yahh and we lost on desert island without help :(
  13. OMG!!! Nothing news ??? Any Russian for help us ? I know about russians, they use OOG on new IL on DN. Dont lie to usss pls :)
  14. Its correct ? Are u sure or have OOG working on DNet in IL ? so many questions.. sorry :(
  15. Why all solutions around DNet servers is a facking fake ? Im bored ... we need some help here pls... my ppl die without walker :( I know, i know its just a free support, but pls somebody with a "robinwood" heart can help us ? Tks
  16. Yo dudes, well im play on Dragon Network and there run IL now.. and with IL gms put Back ICe ... so somebody knows how use l2w now ? Tks anyway :)
  17. One question 2 or more players hit me... what happen with my "auto-target" o.O ?
  18. Thats a good change ^^
  19. Thats good.. but i have a question.. this works on Dragon Network? server as C4 yet ...
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