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About furiosx

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  1. is this just 1 payment of 10euro and have forever to keep? is this working on L2Dawn? let me know and i will buy :)
  2. Visit their website, it's available from there. p.s. i've had this working once before, but decided to try it again to check it out, but when ever i try to get LoaderCT1 to work this cmd window appears and just vanishes!
  3. way to go, nice to see people going to the length of actually trial and testing this kind of stuff. anyway. i have a bit of a little problem, i get all of that running good, but when i go to start the 2nd client on the walker, i press run and Literally NOTHING happens, the game doesnt even bother to load. Btw this is on Interlude, BAKE-ICE etc.. Peace. EDIT: And byt eh way, this is NOT on Dragon network.
  4. complete collection? this is not all of them. lol.
  5. but damn another problem has come up. I can get ingame fine, all good there using it. but when i am in game, i will be there and press end (To start the walker attacking mobs) and nothing would happen. I'd be trying for 30 seconds then the whole thing would just Shut off. I've read somewhere that it is because i have disabled GG and its packets are not getting sent to the server but.. BUT im just wondering.... is there a way to make the game not shut off 30 seconds into gameplay???? Peace. P.S. Do i still need to put that stuff into the host file? i used to use walker back on C4 but i havnt really touched it since because NONE of the walkers i tried after that would work but HEY.. =]
  6. you cant make the cp pot, hp pot and mana pot in the macro in the ingame easy =], you could also put on a time delay between. them all. i am not sure on how to do it, but i will search for it and let you know =] Peace.
  7. thanks alot buddy, that is exactly what i was looking for. appreciated! +1
  8. I've Searched and searched, but to no avail. I have tried the IG walker many times for the Hellbound but all i am getting is the ''A hacker tool has been detected'' error, like before is there anyway of disabling GG, such as a GG emulator? or is there not a one kicking around for Hellbound? i had one, but since then i have formatted my computer and ended up loosing everything. so anyway, yeah.. how do i get rid of this? i know people know because people are using this walker lol. Peace.
  9. so basicly all this is is just a MOD, to an already existing pack.. in other words like an event?
  10. yeah ive tried this, and got lost, didnt know wtf to do so i thaught fcuk it hhahah
  11. ive had to format my computer like 7 times in the part year or w/e, its a pain in the ass tbh.
  12. nice counds pretty good, but what is the population like?
  13. please would you be able to re-upload the file please? or possibly pm me with a link to it maybe w/e because the link is dead.. i would like to se what this file is about
  14. that shield looks nice i must say though. BUT, everytime i go to repack it into the .utx or w/e its called, and put it in the folder again the damn thing crashes my game, or its either grey or just nothing has happened to it zomg :( lol p.s. i know i cant see the links so shhhh lol, but there are other websites with this kind of thing on so... yeah.
  15. im not gonna recommnd em'...
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