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Everything posted by sillentdeath4

  1. Kalhteros char se olo to lineage.. Egw fsk.Ime human fighter 1.90 upsos ,85 kila..
  2. My main char got jailed for 2500 minutes.. My bots on walker got perma ban. :/
  3. Kai mhn ksexnate to message pou sou petaei sto chat otan eisai kapies wres on. Diko tou provlhma tou typou..
  4. Going to fail once more.
  5. 9 days till i go to army.
  6. I really really loved the srver features.. It sounds promising.. Im w8ing for the beta period! Cya IG
  7. send a pm to mee too please.
  8. He banned u ? :D
  9. As the tittle says.
  10. R.I.P :s..
  11. I got the same Question.:/
  12. Whats the point of that feature then ? "Life stones spoil in Abandoned Coal mines" Ls skills should be as retail.. Its the same ,if an archer get Might he will pwn,if a mage will get a WM he will pwn..Its all about luck.Let them as it is!
  13. So whats the point of farming LS ? Failed.
  14. Please put soem anti-bot protect..Cuz on renewal on ACM was like 50 dwarfs on walker.
  15. Dragon network,c5 times On 15x ofc. Azurre L2 [Celes ,the 1st month] L2 Dex
  16. WInston sucks,i started with that ciggarets,then i changed to price[it rocks] with the blue line..> Now im smoking tabacco Old Holborn blue[2 years now]...
  17. Something to add to this, Honda CRF 250CC Da best !
  18. I dont like this weaps/armors,its too collorfull for meh,Imagine a server with 500 ppl,150 of them got that armor/weap and they meet in a siege,they will get so many graphic lags,ffs...
  19. Poor style,try to do some jumps first,then some stunts,and then post a pic,a " souza " isnt a big deal . lol.
  20. SkatA
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