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Everything posted by MixHarder

  1. Very Good photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. poloi wreo! an kai ena allo backround 8a shnfonouse oti 8a h8ele! pandos Good Job ;)
  3. Kararxas gia sas!Exw ena kanh ena freya server kai shmera ton anevase se eteria alla den thhmame pou preph valo thn ip kai pou an valw sths sta8erh ip tou pc gia na anh3oune ta port apoth 8hmame sto palio mou server pou ixa palh se eteria 8hmae oti evala sto alla den 8hmame pia evala kai pou thn evalse se auta ta 3 Server.properties ipconfig.xml loginserver.properties Opios borh as pou ph pou an valo thn IP kai sthn sta8erh IP tou hpologisth! loginserver.properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: * ( LoginserverHostname = * # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: * ( LoginHostname = * # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: True LogLoginController = True # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned. # Default: 10 LoginTryBeforeBan = 10 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. # Default: 600 (10 minutes) LoginBlockAfterBan = 600 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: False AcceptNewGameServer = False # Flood Protection. All values are in MILISECONDS. # Default: True EnableFloodProtection = True # Default: 15 FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Default: 700 NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Default: 350 FastConnectionTime = 350 # Default: 50 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using. # Examples: # Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default) # Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver # Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls (default) # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jls # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jls/user = sa/password = URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jls # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended) Login = root # Database connection password Password = # Default: 10 MaximumDbConnections = 10 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = True # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Developer Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False Debug = False ipconfig.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Externalhost here (Internet IP) or Localhost IP for local test --> <gameserver address="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd"> <!-- Localhost here --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <!-- Internalhosts here (LANs IPs) --> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> <define subnet="" address="" /> </gameserver> Server.properties # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Game Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where's the Login server this gameserver should connect to # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginHost = # TCP port the login server listen to for gameserver connection requests # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # Bind address for gameserver. You should not need to change it in most cases. # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: * ( GameserverHostname = * # Default: 7777 GameserverPort = 7777 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the appropriate driver and url for the database you're using. # Examples: # Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (default) # Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver # Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs (default) # URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jgs # URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database = l2jgs/user = sa/password = URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jgs # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended) Login = root # Database connection password Password = # Default: 100 MaximumDbConnections = 100 # Default: 0 MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server ID that the Game Server will request. # Example: 1 = Bartz # Default: 1 RequestServerID = 1 # True = The Login Server will give an other ID to the server if the requested ID is already reserved. # Default: True AcceptAlternateID = True # Datapack root directory. # Defaults to current directory from which the server is started unless the below line is uncommented. #DatapackRoot = C:/Work/tmp/DataPack # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. # Default: 100 MaximumOnlineUsers = 100 # Numbers of protocol revisions that server allows to connect. # Delimiter is ; # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u> # Default: 216 AllowedProtocolRevisions = 216 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Player Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Character name template. # Examples: # CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]{3,3}[A-Za-z0-9]* # The above setting will allow names with first capital letter, next three small letters, # and any letter (case insensitive) or number, like OmfgWTF1 # CnameTemplate = [A-Z][a-z]* # The above setting will allow names only of letters with first one capital, like Omfgwtf # Default .* (allows any symbol) CnameTemplate = .* # This setting restricts names players can give to their pets. # See CnameTemplate for details PetNameTemplate = .* # Maximum number of characters per account. # Default: 7 (client limit) CharMaxNumber = 7
  4. shzitise na ghnete xD!btw apoth katalaba apo allo ta post pou ida einai ena zwaki pou aplos einai gold member :D xD! tpt to spoudeo kai thpota ashni8hsto! exoume kiala zwa sto max cheater
  5. mia xara nio8o! aplos etsi einai ola sthn ellada ektos an odos kanh kath kalo o ote!
  6. pios ote mwre pia VDSL! me to sapio internet ths ellados! ade apo 3 mbps na piasis kamia 7-9mbps
  7. o l2eexpert einai auto oa dmin stadaraki :P
  8. Se euxaristo polh! kalo to programa sou 8a me voh8ish 100% sta html color
  9. aaaa sugnomh kiolas! ama 3es na kanhs tpt kalhtero voh8ise tous gia na provaloun thn antistash tous pros ta esxra pragmata!
  10. Protwn Elpizo na kanhs plaka gt to FINEST einai apo ta pio fail pack kalhtera na fixaro to LjServer rev 1 exei pio liga bug! kai kata defteron Vl4d kala hxame hremish gt se 3ebanarane ?
  11. Your name is Fail!.Nive Video romeo i like it all!mana pot and Hp pot it is so good!
  12. x8 gia na exei kai ligh a3ia! gia tous poloi kamenous!
  13. To kalhteor pou exeis na kanhs einai autos! ektows an sou perhsevoune ta lefta :P alla kalo einai na ma8hs den einai tpt to dhskolo hparxoune Guide aphra. ektos apo auto pes mia fora ta dinsh ta leuta ama ton xriasths deuterh th kanhs ?
  14. Nice item is big and i like it :P xD .Btw Exw Douleia. Blow Job :P
  15. makarh na tou peei tosa emena gia mia aplh allagh pou hpe 20 euro! xD Ta pernh xondra idika kai an dh oti dn skabazhs polla!
  16. krata ta lefta sou kai pes kapios na se boh8ish tsaba hparxoune poloi pro8imh!Egw an borousa 8a se voh8ousa alla den polh katalava th akrivos 8es!
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