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About alphar

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  1. get on the MSN and we can make a deal
  2. 7/10 The idea is fine but something is missing
  3. Run antivirus ( a good one) Clean your pc check temps
  4. Server that have income of 55k?
  5. Why nor create something unique for lineage2?
  6. Im looking for high rate server 1000x + where the kamael is OP llike at l2inc with 100+ players Just need to check few things....
  7. It's real because of what ? because you can touch it? it doesn't make any sense.
  8. Can you give more info?
  9. C4 is too old, and too boring to play on low rates. btw c4 high rate ( 5000x) can be something different
  10. I never donated but i payed to play, you see maybe it's virtual but you pay to have a good time, it's like buying useless gadgets or new phones that if you really think about it you will find out that you don't really need them at all, but you still get them why? because they can bring a good time. So what's wrong paying to have some fun?
  11. 9/10 Great signature
  12. AIO gem = +30 buffs npc buffer = +0 buffs you buff yourself with the aio gem 1 time you trade aio gem you can get from npc buffer +30 buffs
  13. It's simple and pretty known bug, but i couldn't find it here so i will post it. In L2INC you can donate for AIO gem that gives you all the buffs +30, everything, But if you get this AIO gem you can set your buffs and then even when the gem is in your WH and you buff yourself with the npc buffer you will get all the buffs +30, BUT you can also trade this gem or just give it to another char and you will still get the buffs +30 from the NPC buffer. Enjoy.
  14. It's already 2 days that the site is slow and it's hard to log into the game, they wrote something about ETA when they are going to fix it?
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