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Everything posted by mg13gr

  1. Maprex, είχα κάτι αμφιβολίες, αλλά τελικά ρε φίλε όντως είσαι μαλάκας.
  2. I have already said it works, no proofs needed I guess.. However, you should ask him about the drawbacks in private.
  3. Εμείς ανοίγουμε Τρίτη. Μουχαχαχα.
  4. Psomas was online before 30 mins.
  5. He gave one to me. So, the exploit really works, but it has a couple of drawbacks. You can contact Nevermore for further information.
  6. Nope, but I'm getting pissed when I read comments like the one which says Crash paid me to post a positive feedback, lol.
  7. Guys, guys listen.. The e-book is really good. Just tell me tell something. EVEN IF you can't make 500$/day and you make 200$ or even 100$ or even fucking 50$ per day, is that nothing? Come on.
  8. 1. To the ones who said that Crash paid me or something: Dude, dude.. That's way insulting for someone who's here for 5 years or so, you know.. Stop saying bullshits. I bought a copy on my own and that's all. 2. I've already wrote on my review: DON'T BE CHEAP ASSES! You can make some money with this, just paying 4$ to learn the way and you ask for a free copy? gtfo, seriously.
  9. Ok, I got it too and here is my review. I will write it following Raule's form. Information 9/10: Well, the whole e-book includes info that worth for sure the buying price. Actually it's really low, considering the money you can make using it.. Layout 10/10: Crash did a really nice job here. Simple English, many images, explanations everywhere. Difficulty 7/10: He explains everything in such a simple way that it looks really easy. Even if I didn't start using it yet, I ASSUME it won't be that easy. I rate it with a 7, because in my honest opinion it should include some more information about the way the whole thing works, although I can't explain exactly what I mean. However, it's still an awesome e-book. Content 9/10: The information you need actually is less than even 10 pages. Come on! TEN FAKING PAGES AND YOU CAN MAKE SO MUCH MONEY! I've seen e-books with hundreds of pages, most of them were shits and wouldn't bring any money. This one is 100% the opposite. Originality 9/10: I have read many methods for online money, I have heard once for this one, although there weren't details and needed information. That makes it for me really original. Price/Value 10/10: Kidding me? That's a treasure and you cheap asses can buy it for ONLY 4 dollars. lol Overall Ratings: 9/10
  10. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+install+smf&oq=how+to+install+smf&aq=0&aqi=g8&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube-psuggest.1.0.0l8.120.1701.0.4229.
  11. Και? Ρε μαλάκες μην το παίζετε υπεράνω, "και τί έγινε, και δεν άκουγα, και τώρα τον θυμήθηκαν όλοι". ΌΛΟΙ μα ΌΛΟΙ έχουν σιγοτραγουδήσει τα τραγούδια του ή τα έχουν χορέψει. Πεθαίνει κάποιος ξένος τραγουδιστής και κάνετε λες και πέθανε η μάνα σας, πεθαίνει κάποιος Έλληνας - κομμάτι της ελληνικής μουσικής και το παίζετε αδιάφοροι. Τέσπα, έγω μόλις ξύπνησα και το πρώτο πράγμα που είδα ήταν αυτό, ψηλοσκάλωσα.. Δυστυχώς έτσι είναι ζωή και δυστυχώς αποφάσισε να πάρει ακόμα έναν μεγάλο καλλιτέχνη και να μας κάνεις ακόμα φτωχότερους. R.I.P.
  12. http://tichugr.blogspot.com/p/tichu-tichu-gr.html Εύκολο είναι. Διάβασε το και μετά κατέβασε την εφαρμογή και παίξε λίγο και θα μάθεις.
  13. Την κανονική από Playhouse νομίζω. Υπάρχουν όμως και κάτι άλλες ψηλομούφες made in Greece που τις βρίσκεις στο internet.
  14. Παίζω ήδη, με το ίδιο nickname. Ναι. Τράπουλα με 4 εξτρά φύλλα είναι.
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