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Everything posted by mg13gr

  1. I can't get it.. I have the same balance for 3 days. Why the fack they don't check my views? -.-
  2. FBI doesn't work on weekends, right? ok hahahahahahaha
  3. I'm 17. I have school 5 days a week. I work on weekends on a café for 5 up to 10 hours per day. I take 4€/hour. So, if I work just a Sunday for 6 hours it's almost 25€/week. Recently, I started trying online methods to make some cash. Well, currently I earn almost the same money or even more, with my real job. Why not then? (:
  4. Gtfo. :P I got just my facebook friends, that's why it's that low.
  5. While I was sleeping. Balance: $9.77 I think I kinda like that site. I'm about making an active Twitter account(also a Tumblr probably) and increase my Audience Reach,my Quality and Social score.
  6. They deleted my balance. oO I had a video with 750 views and about 150 payable, and now it has 0 payable. They didn't mail me or anything. lol Anyway, I'm gonna make a new one.
  7. Latest. Balance: $3.42 I will mail them again tomorrow for rage fight no2. The first time I did, they seem to gave me my views fast. :3
  8. They're probably still under checking. That's what I hope at least, cause I got 1k views which are still unchecked I think.
  9. So, without a credit card I can't even complete the free offer or..?
  10. Here you are. God bless you dude! You sent your payment to charity! :D
  11. I'm pretty sure it's legit and they're not idiots to pay every single view without checking. It's 19.36 and I think they will pay me in some hours.
  12. Well, I didn't recieve anything saying that a video of mine has been deleted. Looking forward to seeing my stats when they will unstuck.
  13. My views are still increase, but my balance is stucked on 14$. I think that that's the money I'll cash out tomorrow.
  14. Εμένα μου έχει γίνει συνήθεια πλέον, το κάνω τελείως μηχανικά. :Ρ
  15. They're stucked on 14$. I hope I will have more than 20$ when they will be updated.
  16. Παιδιά δεν είναι για μένα.. Η απάντηση που πήρα κι εγώ όταν ρώτησα ήταν "Ό,τι να'ναι.. Χατζηγιάννη, Βέρτη, Οικονομόπουλο, Πλούταρχο.." Οπότε ό,τι να'ναι..
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