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Everything posted by mg13gr

  1. Δεν ξέρω αν ενδιαφέρεσαι και για ανενεργές, σε περίπτωση που σκοπεύεις να τις ανεβάσεις. Έχω αυτήν, αν σε ενδιαφέρει πμ me. https://www.facebook.com/TheReturnOfJokes
  2. 1: Most Popular User : Nikoloudos7 2: Funnier User : Vazelos 3: Active User : Elfocrash 4: Spammer : Finito 5: Top Shares : Paul_Greatest 6: Most trolling : Vazelos 7: Most Hated : Coyote 8: Most loved : Krash 9: Most Missed : Chandy 10: Most loved moderator : WeirdSituation
  3. mg13gr


  4. mg13gr


  5. Growing day by day without even posting... Last year on 28/12/12 Friv had 40.000 fans. Today, 12/1/13, one year later it has 300.000 fans. That means +260k fans in one year without any effort. Also, at least 100.000 people reach our page per week and 30.000-40.000 at least see every single post. We have 300-400+ daily new likes and finally apart from the 300.000 fans we have, these people have in total 53.212.068 friends. Numbers are like that without ANY effort. Someone who will use the page daily can make it and keep it really active. It's common sense I think... Btw, some recent stats. http://i49.tinypic.com/295e4j5.png[/img] No standard price, pm me with your offer. Why to buy it? [*] Growing rapidly without ANY effort. [*] International page. [*] It's the biggest Friv page on Facebook (that's a big plus if you deal with it in a right way). P.S Do NOT pm me if you wanna buy it 50 euros. ((:
  6. There're posts with 500-800-1k likes too. Numbers are like that without ANY effort. Someone who will use the page daily can make it and keep it really active. It's common sense I think... Btw..
  7. It has 4k talking about, and I don't even post. For one year that I own it, I've made 50 posts max. And remember, I took it with 40k members, with no effort it has 260k more after one year. Also, I've already gave you a few numbers on my previous posts..
  8. Dude, there's not standard price. It's an internation fan page with 300.000 likes. It doesn't worth 50 euros anyway, but much more. Also, we're spamming someone's else topic, if you wish to contact me send me a pm.
  9. 300.000 likes. Growing day by day without even posting... Last year on 28/12/12 Friv had 40.000 fans. Today, 12/1/13, one year later it has 300.000 fans. That means +260k fans in one year without any effort. Also, at least 100.000 people reach our page per week and 30.000-40.000 at least see every single post. We have 300-400+ daily new likes and finally apart from the 300.000 fans we have, these people have in total 53.212.068 friends.
  10. Define what you need. Pages in general? Or pages from a specific country?
  11. Δεν θα βρεις αγοραστή για ούτε καν 40€ εδώ μέσα.. Απλά στο λέω να το ξέρεις. Good luck.
  12. Trolling like a vampire. :troll:
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