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Everything posted by Tiahani

  1. I can't log when the prog is launch on my main server but on the other no prob btw gj
  2. lmao btw i tryed it and (logicaly) did not work
  3. gg laveduza People should scan them share before post it
  4. it is not a forum based on share of cheat/exploit ? =D
  5. Don't work On L2Punu
  6. On my server if you try to party somone jailed you get kicked
  7. I'm not able to download it . Could you please put it on rapidshare or something else ? thx
  8. LoL hlapex did can make accpet a trade without the other player accept if a remember GL :D
  9. Dont work for me On Arii c4 server
  10. :O you do can change sub with karma ? gg
  11. Hmmm Kinda useless ? 80 rez scrolls omfg? on off ? know the price ? for a such easy thing ? :s 1 rez = time to kill 3 time :s
  12. Yeah doesn't work for me too but nevertheless buffs is just 19min so not very usefull :p just make a buffer =]
  13. I put the same but only when i'm high lvl to focus on pvp
  14. You should make a packet with ur tips and upload it Very difficult all of that for what it give btw i'll try
  15. Huh i see it and able to download it, it is not supposed to be hided ? BTW is cool Thx
  16. Work for me L2 Arii => L2oga.pf x1 rates :s
  17. yes only for C4 if you know read :D
  18. Don't work on men .. oohhhh ::)
  19. LOL i think ur the one who r scamming us for +post xD
  20. lol i'm justing running as fool on the wall :p
  21. thx for share but i'll wait someone to test it before :P
  22. lol i would try but we have just been pwned at seven sign :p
  23. No its too old dude
  24. I tried in ES l2 don't work Even pain of sagitarus
  25. yes i think too try to full check dude
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