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Everything posted by lostos

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11889.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5403.0 Already 2 topics about this! Stop posting this over and over guys. Your effort is appreciated, but you should search for same topics first.
  2. It does work. It's very helpful, if you have broadband speeds.
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5403.0 Already posted above. Please Search before posting
  4. Eixa ftia3ei ena plires guide gia dominator alla 3afnika kollise to pc kai emeine ekei p to eixa kanei save : / twra to apofasisa, 8a to teleiwsw;P
  5. lol... dn to eftia3e o hax0r to hack, xalaroste ligo me ta gz, san polu na agxoneste na anebei to post count sas. BTW to pragmatiko hack (http://www.darkcheats.org/) einai stin ekdosi 8.1 EINAI 100% VAC2 proof kai kostizei 200euro i ekdosi me aperioristes anaba8miseis. Oriste enas pliris katalogos twn dunatotitwn autou tou hack: http://www.darkcheats.org/foros/fighterfx.php (exei kai anti-kick, i xara tou admin) Einai to kalutero cs hack pou uparxei, alla kata tin gnwmi mou, osoi paizoun cs me hacks einai oi apolutoi noobs. Den mporeis na xareis to paixnidi, ante na to baleis gia plaka mia-dio fores, i gia na kaneis ekpli3i stous filous sou. Meta ginesai spastikos. Proswpika paizw stous TG servers, exoun polu plaka, alla dustuxws uparxoun kai autoi pou paizoun me hack. (mia mera sta web tis geitonias mou eida 3 12xrona na paizoun TG me ena wh kai ena a8lio aimbot pou eixe posa sec delay. Afou tous nikisa sto score (e kala!) ir8e o admin (pou itan tamias) kai tous ediw3e.) Haxor bravo pou ekanes upload to hack edw pera, gt apo to cs-hacked den prokeitai na to breis kai na douleuei:PP Palia to eixa dei sta mpc forums, alla twra pia oute ekei douleuei to link. ty P.S.: Kamia fora otan dn exw ore3i na pai3w energopoiw to wh kai blepw poioi alloi paizoun me hack. Einai aplo: Se 1st person spec mode, 8a blepete na kanoun target (estw kai gia polu ligo) pisw apo toixous akribws ekei pou brisketai o antipalos. Roflol //Edit: Sites are death... -- blooddog
  6. Stamatiste oloi na paraponieste gia ta posts. To kruboume gia tin prostasia twn exploits oxi gt eimaste kakoi alla gt uparxoun kai server admins pou ta psaxnoun auta. BTW to anti-target sumferei polu, ospou na fas ban:P mpainw se opoio server 8elw, dokimazw to adena script, kai ama dn douleuei (i akomi kai an douleuei) bazw to anti-target kai pigainw coliseum i gia pk:))) Dokimase kaneis l2 ELITE an douleuei tpt apo auta? exw problima me ton ISP mou autes tis meres...
  7. Edw einai Lineage 2 exploits section, move sto off-topic, pantos an kanete search 8a breite akomi kai sto forum topics gia keyloggers.
  8. http://www.linux-gamers.net I found that useful when I first started off with linux gaming http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=326
  9. Get the latest linux drivers for your GPU there are both ATI and nVidia drivers on the net.
  10. Nai ok tha balw kai photos:P oso gia ta programs p 8a xrisimopiisw gia na mi 8ewri8oun warez, na ta anebasw rapidshare k etc dn 8a 8ewrountai warez? (erwtisi pros moderators), mi faw kana -1 karma ap to pou8ena!
  11. m'aresei p to perasane merikoi kai gia kainotomia. ftia3te mia engine me to sc-keylog p na legetai kapws etc: adenahack i oti allo paraplanitiko skeftite. Balte kai to eikonidio tou l2 kai telos kai ena munuma la8ous, gia na min upopteutei tpt. An ru8misate kala tin engine 8a sas stelnei ka8e toso oti kategrapse sto mail sas. Alla gia osous exoun asxolu8ei polu kairo me tous keylogger, i kaluteri lusi einai mia: BIND. Ftia3te mia apli engine tou keylogger p 8a stelnei log ka8e 24h sto mail sas. Ftia3te ena proggy (aplo programma p dn xreiazetai kan na douleuei) me onoma adenahack ktl, me ta pedia (ligo polu oloi 3eroume na to kanoume auto e?): Username: Pwd: Adena: <posa adena 8eleis> Kante bind ta 2 programmata (tin engine kai to adena hack) se 1 teliko .exe arxeio. Nomizw pws katalabainete ta upoloipa. P.S.: 8a kanw 3exwristo topic gia auto, pio kalogrammeno, plz min to kanete copy, 8a to grapsw kai agglika. pantos kai auto me to mirc script einai to idio panw-katw
  12. XAxaxa infogate? 8umamai ton palio infogate, x1000 ekane rr ka8e 10 mins metrimena kai o gm mas ta prize na mpoume sto chat. sto telos uposxotan +16 oplo an mpainame sto chat!
  13. lock this topic, enchant rates in euthopia are 95% +50 max, I used to play in this server, I know numerous bugs, I used to be no.1 in this server [Funker]. I was a Titan with 250k P.Atk and I had an sph with huge m.atk and 34k cst speed. I was so powerful, that I got bored killing every1, so I quit this silly server.
  14. lostos

    GTA IV??[LOL]

    to epai3a se net-cafe, emena dn m eipe tpt, 8a to katebaza, alla me tpt dn 8a plirona gia na to pai3w. ta screenshots tou IV einai pragmatika entuposiaka. elpizw ti paixnidi na diatitisei to humor tou.
  15. off's in c++ while l2j is (re)written in java.
  16. lostos

    GTA IV??[LOL]

    http://www.rockstargames.com/IV/trailer_splash.html auto einai allo. [iV] tin exw autin tin ekdosi pezw gta apo to no.1 mexri to sa (ME hotcoffee, tin apagoreumeni) GTA 's the best, kai i logokrisia einai gia tous ili8ious kai mono.
  17. http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ psa3e kai e-books simferei. an dn 3ereis tpt apo programmatismo, 3ekina kalutera apo ta eukola, python einai polu kali gia arxarious, kai diabase se kana wikipedia ti einai programmatismos, ti algorithmoi ktl...
  18. lostos

    GTA IV??[LOL]

    GTA SAN ANDREAS einai to pio kainourio to liberty city itan to 3 to vice city to 4 to sa to 5 btw thx gia to karma 0
  19. lostos


    Sto dir tou cs exei mia efarmogi p legetai voice_tweak, kane apo kei tis ru8miseis, kai ase ti s lene oloi gia pinaka elegxou. An dn ginetai tote parata to. A kai episis min 3exnas oti otan milas sto cs dn akous tin foni s oi alloi tin akoune. KAi kante m to karma 0, min eiste zwa.
  20. lostos


    Auto pou i8ela na dei3w itan ena site me passes p 3erw, auto itan olo, gi auto egrapsa: To site pou edwsa to link ***DEN EINAI PORN SITE*** einai ena paradeigma site p kanei auto p leei o NOS. Thano, exeis kabalisei to kalami teleutaia, dn mporeis na fimwneis ta members autou tou forum, apo tote p egines Platinum member. O mastro m ebale -1 karma, xwris proidipoiisi na katebasw to "epimaxo" link, kai teleiws adika, afou edw kai xronia members tou forum parabiazoun twn ena kanona meta ton allo, enw to link p edwsa DEN PERIEXEI PORNO balto kala sto kefali s, ki as grafw oti einai gia porn sites, ena paradeigma edwsa, isos atuxes. Kai stin periptosi tou mastro, perimene apla na kanw mia blakeia gia na m xwsei -karma. Popo adikia.. De pa na m xosete kai -15 karma, sta @@ m, afou auto to forum pe8ainei. /off-topic: O bnb ekleise, deite edw:/// http://forum.bnb.gr/announcement.php?f=42 Krima re gmt, paei tzampa toso kapsimo, apo ekei 3ekinisa to l2. Tespa, private server einai mono o off a3izei, oso a3iopistos kai an fainetai enas private.
  21. lostos


    Nai re, molis mpika na postarw to guide mou pws na ftia3ete packet sniffer, kai blepw -1 karma Gia Anyparkto Logo. Ti na pw 3enerwsa panw p eipa na epistrepsw sto forum. Telika, i mlkia epibrabeuetai
  22. lostos


    MASTROPOS egines mod kai xarikes, "as tou balw tou mlk -1 twra p brika eukairia" eleos. To site pou edwsa to link ***DEN EINAI PORN SITE*** einai ena paradeigma site p kanei auto p leei o NOS. Kala lew eiste polloi mlks mazemenoi edw pera. Oso gia porn egw pote dn ebala porn oute se avatar m oute se sign mou. Alla twn allwn ta 3exnate.
  23. lostos


    tsek dis aout: http://fobo.ru einai gia porn sites. H plaka einai oti ekanes olokliro topic gi auto, kai dn einai kai l2 exploit. Den nomizw na uparxei kaneis p na min to exei kanei auto p les. Welcome to the forum!1
  24. Blind SQL injection is identical to normal SQL Injection except that when an attacker attempts to exploit an application rather then getting a useful error message they get a generic page specified by the developer instead. This makes exploiting a potential SQL Injection attack more difficult but not impossible. An attacker can still steal data by asking a series of True and False questions through sql statements. Information provided by Infobyte SR-sqlget: It's a blind SQL injection tool developed in Perl. It lets you get databases schemas and tables rows. Using a single GET/POST you can access quietly the database structure and using a single GET/POST you can dump every table row to a csv-like file. Databases supported: - IBM DB2 - Microsoft SQL Server - Oracle - Postgres - Mysql - IBM Informix - Sybase - Hsqldb (www.hsqldb.org) - Mimer (www.mimer.com) - Pervasive (www.pervasive.com) - Virtuoso (virtuoso.openlinksw.com) - SQLite - Interbase/Yaffil/Firebird (Borland) - H2 (http://www.h2database.com) - Mckoi (http://mckoi.com/database/) - Ingres (http://www.ingres.com) - MonetDB (http://www.monetdb.nl) - MaxDB (www.mysql.com/products/maxdb/) - ThinkSQL (http://www.thinksql.co.uk/) - SQLBase (http://www.unify.com) Evasion features: - Full-width/Half-width Unicode encoding - Apache non standard CR bypass - mod_security bypass - Random uppercase request transform - PHP Magicquotes: encode every string using db CHR function or similar. - Convert requests to hexadecimal values - Avoid non-space replacing for /**/ or (\t) tab - Avoid non || or + concatenation using db concat function or similar. - Random user-agent - Random proxy-server - Random delay request Common features: - Database schemate download blacklist - Cookie array support - SSL support - Proxy server support - Database information dumped in csv format Reporting: - Database structure graphication to create impact executive reports require Graphviz library (http://www.graphviz.org/) Demo: - Demo features (bypassing IBM ISS Proventia IPS) - http://www.infobyte.com.ar/demo/ISR_sqlget_ISS_proventia_bypass.html
  25. http://www.fraps.com
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