Yes i did, i cant open for an example this giran_village_t.clear.utx in any of program that i have.. Unreal , utpt , whatever ... i cant insert already made dds file in utx
Exactly... its not that we havent much or enough time to do everything. We just need one .... developer and guys, stop trolling n spamming here ffs. God save me. Our offer maybe isnt so interesting, personally i dont really care. If not in this way then in another one we gonna find dev.
To the haters n smartasses - just stop writing here n paying attention at this theme if you dont like it so much. Everyone gonna be happy and calm
As for me its quite simple - if you are not interested, then dont even write anything here. We are not some kind of a bad guys, we would pay - but we cant at this moment. So this is your choice - theres written how to contact if you want to give us a try
As for me its quite simple - if you are not interested, then dont even write anything here. We are not some kind of a bad guys, we would pay - but we cant at this moment. So this is your choice - theres written how to contact if you want to give us a try
Are you kidding from me? I farmed everything in max 30 minutes. What do you expect more? The only one thing that you need time for are rb jewels and admin have told us that he will add vote reward and other shits that everyone is crying for in 4 days
Im sorry, but there are some nice pvp servers where max enchant is + 16 and in donation list is also + 16, i just told you my opinion that i completly disagree with ya anyway and i havent told you something like i want to play here, because im already playing somewhere else.
I dont whine, looks like you havent seen yet how a person whines smartass
I disagree with such idiotic ideas. Theres so many other items which you can put to that stupid donation list. I hate when someone is doing such shits and just making everything to make a player pay for something. Personally i havent money to spend it on some stupid scrolls or items in game as most of other players, so its kinda unfair even if its easy to be + 20 at your server
It has 4 days already, they are making some changes. They have to nerf two clases.
To Arcosoilum: What no more money to keep your idiotic server? Hahaha.. poor guy