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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. moved to greek, mias kai oloi milate ellinika!
  2. opos eipa, tha ftiaksw analogo topic gia to irc !!
  3. akalestos, pos tha ertheis sto meeting afou eisai akalestos??:P:P asteiebomai ! Lipon afto gia to irc , tha psaksoume na broume atoma pou tha analaboun na einai opers ekei! kai oso gia to meeting opos kserete egw eimai kriti ara eimai ektos.
  4. mellontika tha prosthesw portal kai sti sinexeia otan me to kalo broume grammi na anebasoume server! a kai min ksexname to irc channel! ypomoni!
  5. Mods added list: 27-12-06 Users Logged In Today Links deleted Global Header and Footer (for banners) Paypal Button (at footer)
  6. maybe someone can download the package , because i cant connect to it ..?
  7. to eu den to kserei anthropos. Aftos pantos pou pire to .com kati iksere. To sigouro einai oti basistike sto site mou kai ebale asxeta links...
  8. roxaz, you are right but most of them are like this.
  9. brabo re seis, to kanate to post ena "lol"
  10. to exploit den pezei pleon. Giafto to logo to kanw locked. Koyfo: Also unstickied!
  11. min ksekinisete na grafete se greeklish akoma, egw lew na to grapsoume sta ellinika, alla gia na emfanizete ston client thelei kapia metatropi sto client oste na dexete tin elliniki gramatoseira.
  12. Xronia polla se ola ta meloi tou forum!! Euxomai to neo etos na mas brei me perisotera bugs kai exploits !
  13. this is not an exploit. Locked.
  14. The C5 OFF Server files has been released by 99nets, 64bit. Usefull for testing purposes. Rapidshare link: Download Here
  15. this is server side, and its not an exploit and no botting. Its the protection they use to block serverside bots.
  16. not block but modify some packets and add the secret phrase each server want :P
  17. ok credits goes to pwNy00all :P i have edited 1st post
  18. This is the antibot system that most of servers are using! It can be used to bypass their system if you know how it works! The original post from here Here has been removed for security reasons. We have leached it and we share it here! Download Here
  19. nai kane to edit. TO ekana quote giati merikoi pane kai diabazoun tin teleftaia selida tou topic. !
  20. oraio post koyfo. ps kalosirthes san L2 Moderator!
  21. personal pictures of other users are not allowed.
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