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  1. It was. And IT is like that Frombork few years. Open, take cash, destroy server by give free items, close. May be nice cash for "buisness" like it
  2. You are right, finally I got to farm against and it seems like u wrote. :)
  3. Yes, but it is pretty well server.
  4. Vilmis, If you were listen players of your server and takes conclusions from it, you could did nice server. But by your sentences I see that you think you are the smartest, the best and right is only your. Even it is your server, you should respect all players, or if you dont want to do this, make it only for choosen players. According to that what was wrote before, I see people who comments it have their own expierence but unfortunable why all of these comments are same one? Zero comments supporting server, every of these just saying same thing. I can write only my expirence with server. I wasnt playing here one-two times. So I think that I have a privigeles to say anything, comparing all seasons and taking conclusions. You/your admins was lying not once time, even now I have screenshots with it. Why dont you comment nothing about OKI player? Cause you know him really nice, as well as I know that he is not a normal player. What you want talk about, what I know I can say, but I dont think that would be good for you. So? Cheers, Narciak
  5. Nice one, different from all nowadays server. Hope for no corruption like almost everywhere. Gonna check it tommorow, Cheers Marcin
  6. Hi again, I did expect that, but more precisely I was asking what would be rate for spoil, chance and drop, cause now I dont know it, u didnt post it
  7. Hello guys! @Paponku said fucking true! Only one thing I would change in that what he wrote is online. It is not 70-150 but max 20-40. Server totally corrupted, no sense to play. I just wasted time. Ban them forverer. Cheers OKI, gecka and admins :)
  8. Nice features. What you mean by Reworked Drop/spoil, what did u make with it? Seems nice.
  9. I remember that server was pretty nice features, was nice. I played few times and I hope so that this time OKI and his clan wont have everything, wont do everything and GECKA wont play and help them, ignoring other players. Cheers
  10. Hope so that not again only one clan (THT) would be have everything, when I played few times here :) ? Cause server was fine
  11. Everyday I will add new proofs of new things. Today farming of olympiad only by one clan, of course reported. Every of them have so much points, that when I win with them I got 5 points, they. I will adding it till you wont do nothing with it or you ban me :) Archmage fighting with B bow. For Cardi feed Screen one Screen two
  12. I have proofs, of course. And I am not kid, why you flame me without reasons? It is a hypocrisy. Why you turn off petitions and report system after got a lot of messages from players about these botters clan, etc?
  13. Corrupt. Ofc 1 clan, 1 day, full EQ and nobl. Bot works Admin have own clan. Bb
  14. Fake online - real is some about 50 Admin plays on private characters. Donate and donate more- people who can almost everything and have everything TONS of bots - almost 80% of online it is bots. Ignore by admin Admin 0 online in game. Farming Oly Cant do nothing there without a paying. Stable server - max 1 month. Second month reopen for donate. I was playing there 7th time, my last. So dont tell me that I dont know. /
  15. Jesus Christ! Last start was on 21 July!!! Not even whole month and you all time wipe it, trying to collect donate payments only. Even it, you with ur friends playing there... So fun and money :) Moreover, you are so selfish that u dont care of it, didnt change anything, just advert ur server in same topic what before.... God... Edit: And ONLINE is always fake. When it shows 340, it is 30. I was playing on your Axe maybe 7-8 times from 1 - 2 year when you created it. Nothing changed. Zero contact with admin. Zero care about bots. Zero care about your friends on server.
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