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I guess you got the potion on your l2java account right? If you got many ill buy the whole account with all the potion inside.Tell me how much you got and how much you want for it.

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I dont need the coin now beause they going wipe the gve server. I will need it after the wipe "12 March will be the day of new start of the Faction server (a wipe will be performed) " . I got 50euro paysafecard here ill exchange them all to potion if you have and if you got even more ill buy more paysafecards.

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so i wait for the grand opening of java..50E on paysafe=many many gold coins!

EDIT:if you give me 50E on paysafe card i will give you 16.900 Gold coins.

k man ill conatct you when they going wipe it.

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