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[Request award icons for top users of 2011]


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I'll need few award images (15x15 ONLY) so i request em from our photoshop community!

Will be provided with 1 karma if not riped from any site. Only own creations will be rewarded!

Also dont forget that the image format shall be PNG or GIF

Dont make ugly images, please! I'll delete senseless replies


Here's the list:





Most Popular User »


Most Funny User »


Most Professional User » z51hppk1lfocw813m1q.png


Most Missed User »


Most Weird User » 20172503453506664971.png


Best Shares User » 36kllpig2dn6qoa5xu41.png


Best New User [From 2010] »


Biggest Spammer User »


The Best G Mod » wqf8st8qpqk9og86r16.png


The Best L2 Mod » 8lmoc8kfnhm6wqsx1ohy.png



I'll choose the images as soon as i get the best else i'll close this topic at 1/3/2011.

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Ι'll try it but you've gotta know...

You can't just take the awards we had away...GIVE MEH BACK MAH DISABLED ICON!

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Most professional user z51hppk1lfocw813m1q.png


Best l2 mod 8lmoc8kfnhm6wqsx1ohy.png


Best g mod  wqf8st8qpqk9og86r16.png



Best shares user, or dunno  if fits 36kllpig2dn6qoa5xu41.png

love em, gonna put them in this list already
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Most Popular User


Most Funny User


Most Missed User


Most Weird User


Best New User [From 2010]


Biggest Spammer User




These left! Looks like we will have all the needed icons by the end of the day (Before i leave ;P)


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