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What happened once fr3d got what he wanted ? - Back to depmax - back to cash.

Back to lost Car, Computer x 5495049504 - please buy i need money :C


I can confirm that. Fred pm'd rey while we were on audio one day and tried to sell him depmax license for no apparent reason.

We didn't show any reason to why we'd need it nor did we even speak to him (so he'd try and earn some quick money).


Completely out of the blue. Buy my depmax.


We clearly didn't (as we had nextdev already) but Rey thought he'd play a long a little. He tried to get some discount for the cheapest license. I think like -40€ or something.

Fred didn't want to give any :D


El'cheapo :D


I use Advext64, and I have nothing to complain about, in my opinion it was money invested was worth it. It contains many things that helps me and that problems could be solved with a long process that is faster than advext64 fas and practical.

And of course it has some memory leaks that can be corrected through the course of time, or more like every game there is always something that has its bugs.

I recommend it.




Your a stupid idiot.



Are you a developer? No.


Have you developed an Extender? No.


Do we sell extenders ? No.



Name one dupe exploit caused by native L2server code that kvoxi hasn't fixed, fr3d has.

You can't - period.



Run latest Fr3d(Dvampire *cough*) vs latest Kvoxi(NextDev/La2Guard) with 1000 Active Sockets.

See who crashes first, it ain't gonna be kvoxi.


Features? What Features does AdvExt(Again dvampire + fr3d custom crap module) - have that La2Guard doesn't ?




Lets not  count offlineshops and olympiad changes and all this custom crap kids thought of.

Let's instead measure up against retail.



Secondly, DO not speak of shit do you do not know.

Fr3d asked for sourcecode for a PRIVATE PROJECT from everyone he bloody could for Open PP.

People shared, created a base - then pulled a 180 and shared EVERYTHING.



So he could get credits to download shit on PP - when it wanted leecher policy to prevent anyone from downloading everything.


Who kept updating it? fr3d? -beep- no, several people even some who were just trying to learn and do small extenders.


What happened once fr3d got what he wanted ? - Back to depmax - back to cash.

Back to lost Car, Computer x 5495049504 - please buy i need money :C



Thirdly Fotis retard - NO extender on the known MARKET is based of Open PP.


Ezme/Ezasm never was.

Kation/Vangath has his entire own(Which stability functiontionality wise kicks dvampire/advext imho).

Kvoxi has his entire own aswell with god knows how much rewritten by himself.



You know what's saddest?


That i'm trying to enlighten people in this forum full of absolute unintelligent 12 year olds, who like to get stuffed in the ass.


1) About dupes, nobody is comparing these, except that its an obligation having these fixed, altough fotislol talked about what guys here from maxcheaters do, not about what kvoxi does.


2) (dVampire *cough*) Except that you have no 'clue' of what i am doing here, you also can't say anything.


3) Source of a private project? I guess YOU wanted me to stop coding stuff, like my kamael class extension and skills effects extensions/parsers, etc, that YOU used in your stuff after i finished. and was like "WTF" why FRED IS RELEASING THIS OUT!!! or you don't remember this ? in case you don't i have enough msn logs on this, and i tought YOU didn't wanted to remember from this history, but its better you stop throwing shit on the air, because i INVITED you to my project as i -beep-ing invited other guys too and YOU was one of the guys that said "ALOT" about a project like that missing around and didn't contribued with a single BYTE. so stop trying to being the king of the truth.


4) Download credits on pp ? be an adult dude, except that people recognized my small work. there was nothing else i was expecting.


5) Lost Car, Lost Computer whatever, can't this happen with anyone else? Yes i told people about it and yes it happened in my life, besides the fact you don't give a shit, you propably born in a 'non normal condition'.


6) McBigMac, i really, really tought i could respect you, i even said and i was saying good things about you, old times and so on, but you are just a piece of shit, go to hell, i was completely wrong as now i see you was just a dual faced guy, trying to get advantages especially over the things i had that interested you.


7) About Extenders that do use COEP, yes there are some and we are not talking about the old guys that made their own work, we are talking about the guys 'past' COEP project, that are just scrubs :D. and yes there are many branches, because no one have eggs/ballz to continue this, so i also don't need to continue this :)



Now since you are not a 12 year old kid, what else do you want except a stupid and idiot flame war ? :)


I can confirm that. Fred pm'd rey while we were on audio one day and tried to sell him depmax license for no apparent reason.

We didn't show any reason to why we'd need it nor did we even speak to him (so he'd try and earn some quick money).


Completely out of the blue. Buy my depmax.


We clearly didn't (as we had nextdev already) but Rey thought he'd play a long a little. He tried to get some discount for the cheapest license. I think like -40€ or something.

Fred didn't want to give any :D


El'cheapo :D


I didn't pmed anybody, except my other 1000+ contacts on msn, offering my stuff as i always did, if rey and you or anybody else, tought anything else except an random advertising, i guess you were wrong.

and about discounts, go ask to nextdev, if they give you some discount :)




1) About dupes, nobody is comparing these, except that its an obligation having these fixed, altough fotislol talked about what guys here from maxcheaters do, not about what kvoxi does.


2) (dVampire *cough*) Except that you have no 'clue' of what i am doing here, you also can't say anything.


3) Source of a private project? I guess YOU wanted me to stop coding stuff, like my kamael class extension and skills effects extensions/parsers, etc, that YOU used in your stuff after i finished. and was like "WTF" why FRED IS RELEASING THIS OUT!!! or you don't remember this ? in case you don't i have enough msn logs on this, and i tought YOU didn't wanted to remember from this history, but its better you stop throwing shit on the air, because i INVITED you to my project as i -beep-ing invited other guys too and YOU was one of the guys that said "ALOT" about a project like that missing around and didn't contribued with a single BYTE. so stop trying to being the king of the truth.


4) Download credits on pp ? be an adult dude, except that people recognized my small work. there was nothing else i was expecting.


5) Lost Car, Lost Computer whatever, can't this happen with anyone else? Yes i told people about it and yes it happened in my life, besides the fact you don't give a shit, you propably born in a 'non normal condition'.


6) McBigMac, i really, really tought i could respect you, i even said and i was saying good things about you, old times and so on, but you are just a piece of shit, go to hell, i was completely wrong as now i see you was just a dual faced guy, trying to get advantages especially over the things i had that interested you.


7) About Extenders that do use COEP, yes there are some and we are not talking about the old guys that made their own work, we are talking about the guys 'past' COEP project, that are just scrubs :D. and yes there are many branches, because no one have eggs/ballz to continue this, so i also don't need to continue this :)



Now since you are not a 12 year old kid, what else do you want except a stupid and idiot flame war ? :)



1. What?



2. So your module which has obsolete security fixes and some custom mods - vs a complete interlude near complete hellbound extender written for 2-3 years.


And the latter one is the worth less ? Really? dVamp just woke up one day and said ?" -beep- that ill give all my shit to fred!".


Grow up.



Just you wait, anyday now Kvoxi will share all his shit with me - and i'm gonna make Mac2NextGuardExDev.

And it's gonna because of a l33t partnership - not cause i gave him anything of anykind.


3. You asked me along with everyone else.


I already had skill parsers, and kamael extensions before you did it for my exe.

Every Offset you did and how you did it, is useless to me after you did it anyhow.


Get it in your head dumbass.


I even have old msn logs of us talking about it.

Stop trying to distort everything, use real facts and counter arguments.


If PP was down i'd refer to the infamous thread where fyyre/roxaz accused me of the same shit, yet after sharing my way and source had to shut up.



Really? Why not make Depmax free for download?

Oh wait.. taht'd hurt your money flow.



Well you see, we're not all born under same conditions - and some have it more rough than others.

My problem has always been your holier than thou attitude - which you still keep up.

You use excuses and mask the fact you want cash from your work.


Fair enough you want cash for it, it's your work.

You however change policies, and cloud the reasons for people to buy and use you.

Which has culminated in such epic fact that people give you god status for not doing that much for them.




What exactly have i EVER used from you?

Please name it.


How am i the dual faced guy - for wanting you to stop pure misconceptions about yourself.

You don't want to, they benefit you, benefit your project, benefit your wallet.

Have balls dumbass.


"Oh those exploits are fixed in the latest dvampire - but buy my security module anyway! it has a DLL add on to a application firewall - which as we know is 100% effective."

Oh no lets create small custom mods and focus it on that now!



Name them please.

Please do name the, even if private.



I don't expect anything.

That ship sailed.



I expected(past tense underlined here) you'd be an adult by now and atleast not look the other way as people give you credit for something you did not do.

From the early start of Depmax where you worked for everyone even remotely interested in l2off, to how it now has become a near obsession to keep the dollars rolling.



A full leak is needed to reset everything.


3rd time's the charm to build a community with certain order and rulset.


What a bad loser mcbigmac huhu ? :D


1) My E-Penis is bigger than yours ;).

2) If i am bad, you are worse, live with that :).

3) You didn't contributed with anything to the community, so thats why nobody valuates you.

4) Keep thinking you are da pro guy, when even your close friends say you are an idiot, too bad you are not smart enough to find this out.

 oh wait, did i say you have friends ? no you don't, but you think you do :D

5) Again you have no 'clue' of what i am doing and neither what advext64 is :), good try tho =), hope your curiosity growns a little more :)

6) And what is the problem ? i am a coder, i can code everything and charge whatever i want of my job, if you can't do it, poor of you dude :) gg.

    don't try to teach me how should i do my things, because if you can do it differently, just do it then instead of trying to proof anything.


And as last, i have nothing to proof you, this was my last post in that shit thread.


What a bad loser mcbigmac huhu ? :D


1) My E-Penis is bigger than yours ;).

2) If i am bad, you are worse, live with that :).

3) You didn't contributed with anything to the community, so thats why nobody valuates you.

4) Keep thinking you are da pro guy, when even your close friends say you are an idiot, too bad you are not smart enough to find this out.

 oh wait, did i say you have friends ? no you don't, but you think you do :D

5) Again you have no 'clue' of what i am doing and neither what advext64 is :), good try tho =), hope your curiosity growns a little more :)

6) And what is the problem ? i am a coder, i can code everything and charge whatever i want of my job, if you can't do it, poor of you dude :) gg.

   don't try to teach me how should i do my things, because if you can do it differently, just do it then instead of trying to proof anything.


And as last, i have nothing to proof you, this was my last post in that shit thread.


Uhm, how do any of those point argue mine?



I geuss you just showed your inability to disprove me?


You don't even begin to argue any moral or factual ground.



That'd work very well in a normal argument/discussion/debate  - definately.

Many important world decisions are won by responding to questions with something completely irrevalent.


Oh wait a minute - no it hasn't.


Luckily this the intarnetz so i'm sure some will find your "OMG IM BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU KNOW NOTHING" post  - a super clear victory.


With such clear wisdom and force - you've outmaneuvered me with arguments such as:


"If i am bad, you are worse, live with that!".


Who cares what the original argument or question was - not even Plato could comeback after such display of power!



I better emo cut myself now.

Cause i gotz sch0000000000000000led.





Every smart person, evaluates both softwares first to know what is better and what is not.


GuardEx actually is Gracia Final. (Incomplete in many ways, but it is).


AdvExt64 is Full Interlude (100%) and Almost Complete Hellbound w/ soon Fortresses and Instances working (which GuardEx do not have properly done yet, altough they have know-how for this).


AdvExt64 Soon will have Freya Client compatibility too.


AdvExt64 have 'full support' for the all its chronicles, either Interlude or Hellbound (which GuardEx, do not have and do not plan to have).


So i respect your opnion, but as a non AdvExt64 client and a non GuardEx client, you should evaluate the differences before judging what is better or not.


Also GuardEx do not have even "half" of the custom mods, AdvExt64 Have to Offer.


AdvExt64 Have cheaper update prices, compared to GuardEx.


AdvExt64 Costs usually "half or near to half" of GuardEx cost for the small servers...


GuardEx is good for those who wants to play Gracia Final, no doubts on this.


Sry Fr3d i will dissapoint you, i am guardex customer, and i have advext too (yes, and you don't even know it), so yes i can tell what is better or not, im not talking about modding or whatever, i just say about "Retail", And la2guard/nextdev/guardex, had hellbound even before you you bought dVamp sources.


Im with you.


Best Regards to all


Sry Fr3d i will dissapoint you, i am guardex customer, and i have advext too (yes, and you don't even know it), so yes i can tell what is better or not, im not talking about modding or whatever, i just say about "Retail", And la2guard/nextdev/guardex, had hellbound even before you you bought dVamp sources.


Best Regards to all


1) You having advext64, doesn't means you can use it =) (maybe you can use advext64 of some client yeah, but not your own one).

2) You are still not an client, because if you 'remotely' was, you could talk to dVampire yourself and see what you just stated about "me buying sources" is a bullshit :P.



1st of all yes i am developer fred know it and this is enough for me.

2nd why fred shouldn't care about money? It's bussiness dude you know it.




Atm if there exist 1000online servers the 980 have donation. And these 20 which haven't sell items by hiding... This is it, l2 it's just a bussiness.


IF it wasn't like this then guardex should share their extender and same for others.






Your a stupid idiot.



Are you a developer? No.


Have you developed an Extender? No.


Do we sell extenders ? No.



Name one dupe exploit caused by native L2server code that kvoxi hasn't fixed, fr3d has.

You can't - period.



Run latest Fr3d(Dvampire *cough*) vs latest Kvoxi(NextDev/La2Guard) with 1000 Active Sockets.

See who crashes first, it ain't gonna be kvoxi.


Features? What Features does AdvExt(Again dvampire + fr3d custom crap module) - have that La2Guard doesn't ?




Lets not  count offlineshops and olympiad changes and all this custom crap kids thought of.

Let's instead measure up against retail.



Secondly, DO not speak of shit do you do not know.

Fr3d asked for sourcecode for a PRIVATE PROJECT from everyone he bloody could for Open PP.

People shared, created a base - then pulled a 180 and shared EVERYTHING.



So he could get credits to download shit on PP - when it wanted leecher policy to prevent anyone from downloading everything.


Who kept updating it? fr3d? -beep- no, several people even some who were just trying to learn and do small extenders.


What happened once fr3d got what he wanted ? - Back to depmax - back to cash.

Back to lost Car, Computer x 5495049504 - please buy i need money :C



Thirdly Fotis retard - NO extender on the known MARKET is based of Open PP.


Ezme/Ezasm never was.

Kation/Vangath has his entire own(Which stability functiontionality wise kicks dvampire/advext imho).

Kvoxi has his entire own aswell with god knows how much rewritten by himself.



You know what's saddest?


That i'm trying to enlighten people in this forum full of absolute unintelligent 12 year olds, who like to get stuffed in the ass.


You got the words from my mouth, but let me comment in special your last line.


Thats the L2 reallity nowadays, every share you give here and no matter where. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE KIDS COMMENTING, 'OH, MAN! YOUR THE BEST! THANKS! I'LL GIVE U A PICTURE OF MY SISTER NOW!'


Mon3yBeeAre know it, and knew it so he explored it. That's how he won that -beep-ing fake glory from l2 noob community. Cuz all he do is go to everywhere and start say around: OH, CRAPPY EXTENDER, THOUSAND OF DUPES, BUY MINE, MINE IS BETTER, NO BUGZ MENG! NO CRASHES MAN! BUY IT YOU WONT REGRET! I NEED TO BUI MAI NEW COMPUTER, ADENAS PLISS


Every single smart person knows who you are, Mon3yBR. All you want to do it, sell your -beep-ing shit and make cash, cash and cash.

Stop fooling people and making market of your extender saying that the others extenders are crappy, thats just lammy.


Its okay if you want to sell your extenders, every work deserves money. But not in the way you do, not in the way you did before. Disrespecting others work.


That's why i have pish of you.

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