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IG walker guide...


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This is a L2 c4 IG walker which works on beyond and other c4 servers....




1. Download this file








2. Unzip it




3. Now download this file








4. Unzip it




5. Go to Start > Run and write in:








6. Press OK




7. Jums ismeta folderi "etc" atsidarykite faila hosts per NotePad ir po visu tekstu kuris yra tame faila parasykite:
 vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com




8. Save and close NotePad.




9. Open l2asrv.exe which can be found in one of unzipped folders (it must be always on)




10. Open L2Walker.exe and into Path point l2.exe file from system folder.




11. Then press run button at the right walker‘s corner.




12. Login and in gameplay mode press Home button on your keyboard.




13. Configure all options




14. Turn off auto Fun and press Start button....





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Thx u very much for the bot man.




I managed to launch it in dragon-network server, configured all options to attack any mob nearer than 2000m, but when I press start buttom nothing happens, my char stays quiet, it doesnt attack any of the nearer mobs, even when I have all the monsters checked to be attacked in the Mons section of l2walker.




I know its "working", even when it doesnt attack because i can see the mobs lvl and HP left and overall when i select them, and in the Information section I can see my inv, monsters killed and so on...






If any of you have a config file with normal setup to attack any near mob even without using skills, just to test it, i would be appreciated.





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