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This guide is made for users that just want a basic setup and don't want to develop so much.


1.:Install all the necessary software to be able to use L2Emu.

These softwares are:


- Subversion command-line client

- Maven


1.A.: Install JAVA JDK

Navigate to the JAVA SE Download site and download the actual version of the Java JDK from the Java Platform, Standard Edition category.


After you installed the JDK you need to setup the enviroment variables, to do that navigate to:

Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System -> Advenced Settings -> TAB: Special -> Enviroment Variables...


Once you got here you can add SYSTEM variables(that's important user with user variables it would not work). Add/edit the following entrys:




value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_XX(Where XX is the actual version of your JDK)



name: path

add value: %JAVA_HOME%\bin; (to the start of the path)


After that restart your pc than open a command line and type in java -version you should see the version information.


1.B.: Install Subversion command-line client

Navigate to the Slik SVN Download site and download the version of your choosing(depending on your operating system).


Install it and restart your pc after that you should be able to use any svn command in commandline to test that type into a cmd svn --version.


1.C.: Install maven

navigate to the Maven download site and download version 2.2.1 Binary.


Maven have no installer you need to extract it to any place on your pc.


Enter to the Enviroment Variables window like before and add/edit the following values.



name: M2_HOME

value: X:\Your-Path-To-Maven(for ex.: C:\maven)



name: M2

value: %M2_HOME%\bin




value: -Xmn128m -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Dmaven.test.skip=true



name: path

add value: %M2%; (after the JDK value added before)


After that's done restart your pc after that open a cmd type in mvn -version you should see version information.


2.: Checkout the pack.

To do that you can go on 2 different but really similar ways:

- Tortoise SVN

- Eclipse IDE


2.A.: TortoiseSVN allows you to checkout and maintain the pack  but don't allow a good way of editing the source like eclipse does this way can be comfortable for those users who dont want to edit the core just want to have a basic pack.


Navigate to the TortoiseSVN download site and download the version of your choosing.


When it's done you see tortoisesvn beeing built in into the windows context menu.The command you should use for checkout is the SVN checkout option.


When you open the SVN checkout option you see a window popped up where you have the following options:

URL of repository: The url which you want the source from.

Checkout directory: The directory on your pc where the source will be checked out to.

Checkout Depth: Define the depth of the checkout process leaving it on Fully recursive is the default and best option but if you want to get more information on this option visit this site: TortoiseSVN checkout doc

Revision: this can be HEAD or Revision. HEAD means the newest revision from the repository Revision means a revision of your choosing from the specified repository.


To start the checkout process fill in these forms and click OK.


2.B: Eclipse allows you to checkout and maintain the pack but it gives you also a huge amount of help in coding this way can be comfortable for users who want to edit their core.


Navigate to the Eclipse download center and download the eclipse of your choosing most likely Eclipse IDE for Java Developers or Eclipse Classic.


Eclipse have no installer so you need to extract it. After you did start the program which brings up a window where you can specifiy the path of your workspace. After you did and proceeded you should see the welcome screen close it or click on the workbench icon.


Now you need to install necessary plugins to work with L2Emu in eclipse, these are:

- Subclipse

- M2Eclipse


You can find both plugin on the marketplace of eclipse, to enter help -> eclipse marketplace...

After you are in the marketplace use the search bar to find these plugins(you can find the maven plugin under name Maven Integration for Eclipse) and click on install.


After that your eclipse is ready the only thing you need to do is navigate to Window -> Show view -> Other... -> Subversion -> SVN repository and click OK.


You see the SVN Repositories tab, on the top right corner of the tab you see a small icon that says Add SVN repository click on it and specifiy the URL of the L2Emu repository:(http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2EmuProject/)

Click on finish and the repository is added now what you have to do is checkout each project of the trunk 1 by 1 or all together that's your choosing ALSO make sure you export the pom.xml of the trunk folder to the same directory as the checked out source.


Once that's done you need to allow depedency management to finalize the setup, WARNING: You need to keep an order in allowing depedencys otherwise it's dont work and eclipse can freeze out.


1st MMOCore

2nd Commons

3rd Login

4th Gameserver

5th Datapack


After that Eclipse is done and you are ready to work in it.


3.: Build the pack.

There are 2 common ways to build L2Emu.


By script: That means you start the build_all.bat script which build each and every single project.


By command: That means you build projects 1 by 1 from commandline using the mvn command(only that since it's on default goal).


For any question about that process please the proper support section of the forum, thank you.


Credits to Intrepid.


1 question...if you want to insert codes its the same way as l2j? 


What you mean by same way...both is java so i really dont understand what you want. If you ask the same patches work on the same way when you add them no because we have different code standard(l2j dont have any code standard anyway).


i mean the way with the eclipse i add the codes?cause if i download with maven the emu how i will put it to eclipse to insert my codes?  anyway i dont like to spam this unique guide for emu cause its the only in mxc,and would be great to be sticky cause emu and interpid are very very special project with a good developer.anyway we speak on pms and thank you for your respond


i mean the way with the eclipse i add the codes?cause if i download with maven the emu how i will put it to eclipse to insert my codes?  anyway i dont like to spam this unique guide for emu cause its the only in mxc,and would be great to be sticky cause emu and interpid are very very special project with a good developer.anyway we speak on pms and thank you for your respond


w8 w8 w8. Maven has nothing to do with editing the code if you read the guide carefully you'll see. Everything is the exact same like with l2j as far as editing the core methods goes the difference is l2j put a lib folder into each project and we don't.

  • 1 month later...

i know this is old .. but you should update the guide .. althought this is in your wiki .. you should change only the SVN path .. because now you use googlecode


SVN::: http://l2emu.googlecode.com/svn/


Greetings.. and long life for best Freya Pack ;)


I keep getting error when i do checkout


\workspace\Lineage2\L2EmuProject-Game\src\main\java\net\l2emuproject\gameserver\tools\.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\fokys\workspace\Lineage2\L2EmuProject-Game\src\main\java\net\l2emuproject\gameserver\tools\.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.


I keep getting error when i do checkout


\workspace\Lineage2\L2EmuProject-Game\src\main\java\net\l2emuproject\gameserver\tools\.svn\tmp\entries' to 'C:\Users\fokys\workspace\Lineage2\L2EmuProject-Game\src\main\java\net\l2emuproject\gameserver\tools\.svn\entries': The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

i never had that proplem .. you are using new SVN right ? googlecode one's ? ..



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