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=======================1st update of the post============================

-added clan name

-top online now show time not timestamp

-added raidboss status

Download links:






ps:this are my first lines of php:D


==========================Original post=================================

Download links :







Guild :


I will take top pvp and explain how to use it:


1) you will need a php server: easyphp for windows and lamp for linux will work perfectly

2) locate you www folder and paste the page.php there

3) open the page.php and start the  configuration:




$dbuser="root"; <= replace root with your mysql username

$dbpass="123123"; <= replace with mysql user's password

$dbname="l2jdb"; <= your gameserver data base

$NumberOfResults="20"; <= replace 20 with the number of results you want


4) test it!


like it is set now it will generate a html page with black background and a table in a middle. I don't host my site on the same pc like the server . On my site i've made iframes and just put the src="serverip/toppvp.php" and will work perfectly



       Now i will explain how this works:



$dbname="l2jdb";  //the name of the database
$chandle = mysql_connect("localhost", $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Connection Failure to Database"); 

this  connects the php server to mysql server if failds returns the message("xxxx")


mysql_select_db($dbname, $chandle)


selects the db you will work from the connection created above


$sql="select characters.char_name,characters.pvpkills,char_templates.ClassName,characters.online from characters,char_templates where characters.classid=char_templates.Classid order by characters.pvpkills DESC LIMIT ".$NumberOfResults;



For sql users this is clear but i will explain for others:


This scripts "select" the char_name from table characters and pvpkills from table character  and classname from char_templates


After from it declares the tables it will work on so : characters and char_templates


But it will select only the records where char_template id is the same with char...so it will return only the baseclass name


it will order by pvp kills so you will get only top recors


And finaly the maximum limit of results will be 20




echo"<html><head></head><body bgcolor='#000000' style='color:rgb(200,200,200)'>";
echo "<table  border='2' align=center width=500>";
echo "<tr><th>Nr.</th><th>Name</th><th>Pvp Kills</th><th>Main class</th><th>Status</th></tr>\n";


generates the 1st part of the html page and the begining of the table for records


if ($result=mysql_query($sql)or die("Bed Sql syntax")) {
 while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
 echo "<tr><td align=center>".$nr."</td>";
   echo "<td align=center>".$row[0]."</td>";
   echo "<td align=center>".$row[1]."</td>";
echo "<td align=center>".$row[2]."</td>";
{echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(0,255,0)'>Online</td></tr>\n"; }
 else{echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(255,0,0)'>Offline</td></tr>\n";}
} else {
 echo "<!-- SQL Error ".mysql_error()." -->";


if the result of executing "mysql_query($sql)" dosn't faild , while there is a other line in the result creastes a new line in table and if there is a error report it,,,


echo "</table></body></html>";

finish the table and the html page





(i haven't sleep 3 h in the last 2 days...so don't kill me if my language is broken)





Thanks for your share Hardstyle but you could make it easier by uploading your 3 php files in a .rar..Thanks!

i didn't put them in 1 rar cuz i want 2 make more and update this post...not 2 spam mxc with new posts...and it will be easyer for ppl to take what they want

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