Simmo Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 A few things to note before I begin: I do not play all of theese champions actively so some of the builds may be outdated or just bad, by all means point anything out if you see something wrong or if you just disagree with me, I'll be happy to have a discussion about it. My current elo at the date of writing this is 1554, 1776 and 1578 for thoose who are interested. I'm not including elixirs or summoner spells as both are extremely situational even more so than item builds. But I do suggest getting elixirs when needed, after core items are finished (Bloodrazor for WW, Infinity Edge for physical carries etc.) Nor am I including rune pages as I think they're not quite befitting the mood of the thread and are a personal choice of what you want/need. If you're looking for a specific build, CTRL+F and type in the name of the champion. + Means buy. - Means sell. - You may get a choice between a Doran's item and another item in some builds and then later the option to sell it, if you didn't get it, just ignore the -. / Means or. () Means optional. - The build proceeds as if you didn't get the optional item, if you do get it then you're going to have to ignore one of the two last item slots. " But Kab you typed down the same item twice here!!" You may see the same item twice in many of the builds, but that just means that if you didn't get it before, you have another chance to get it now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akali build - R>Q>E>W (But make sure you get one point in W at level 4) - Working on this one. +Doran's Blade (+Doran's Blade) +Boots of Speed +Sheen (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Mercury's Treads/Boots of Swiftness +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Lich Bane +Zhonya's Ring +Hextech Gunblade -Doran's Blade +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel/Will of the Ancients ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amumu build - R>E>W>Q (Start with a point in W if you're jungling and level it up to 2. Get one point in Q at level 1/4:Not jungling/Jungling) +Ruby Crystal +Cloth Armour +Boots of Speed +Aegis of the Legion +Sorcerer's Shoes/Boots of Swiftness/Mercury's Treads +Sunfire Cape +Banshee's Veil/Abyssal Scepter/Force of Nature +Force of Nature/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel +Gurdian Angel/Rylai's Crystal Scepter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anivia build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 8/10) +Sapphire Crystal/Doran's Ring +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes +Rabadon's Deathcap/Void Staff +Void Staff/Rabadon's Deathcap +Zhonya's Hourglass/Banshee's Veil/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annie build - R>Q>W>E +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff +Void Staff/Zhonya's Ring +Banshee's Veil/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ashe build - R>W>Q>E (Get one point in E at level 4) +Doran's Blade +Boots of Speed +Doran's Blade +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Infinity Edge +Last Whisper +Banshee's Veil/Frozen Mallet/The Bloodthirster/Zeal -Doran's Blade +The Bloodthirster/Gurdian Angel/Phantom Dancer -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/Frozen Mallet/The Bloodthirster/Phantom Dancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blitzcrank build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 2) +Sheen +Boots of Speed +Phage +Boots of Swiftness/Mercury's Treads +Trinity Force +Banshee's Veil/Frozen Mallet +Frozen Heart/Sunfire Cape +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caitlyn - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 2) +Doran's Blade +Pickaxe +Boots of Speed +Last Whisper +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +The Bloodthirster +Infinity Edge/Banshee's Veil +The Bloodthirster/Frozen Mallet/The Black Cleaver/Gurdian Angel -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/The Bloodthirster/Frozen Mallet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corki build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 2) +Doran's Blade +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed +B.F Sword/Pickaxe +Mercury Treads/Berserker's Greaves +Infinity Edge +The Black Cleaver/Last Whisper +Trinity Force/The Bloodthirster/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/Trinity Force/The Bloodthirster -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/The Bloodthirster/Frozen Mallet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eve build - R>E>W>Q (Start off with W and get a point in Q at level 4) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Sheen +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Boots of Mobility +Deathfire Grasp +Zhonya's Ring/Lich Bane +Lich Bane/Zhonya's Ring +Void Staff/Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ezreal AD build - R>Q>E>W +Doran's Blade/Long Sword +Boots of Speed +Last Whisper +Mercury's Thread/Ninja Tabi/Berserker's Greaves +Vampiric Scepter +Sheen +The Bloodthirster +Trinity Force +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel/The Bloodthirster -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/Infinity Edge/The Black Cleaver/The Bloodthirster/Frozen Mallet Ezreal AP build - R>W>E>Q +Doran's Ring +Sheen +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiddlesticks build - R>W>E>Q (Put one level into Q at level 4) +Doran's Ring +Mejai's Soulstealer +Sorcerer's Shoes +Rabadon's Deathcap/Zhonya's Hourglass +Banshee's Veil/Abyssal Scepter +Abyssal Scepter/Rylai's Crystal Scepter -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Void staff/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Deathfire Grasp ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galio build - R>E>Q>W (Get one point in W at level 2) +Chalice of Harmony +Mercury's Treads +Aegis of the Legion +Banshee's Veil +Abyssal Scepter/Thornmail +Gurdian Angel/Randuin's Omen/Force of Nature -Chalice of Harmony +Shurleya's Reverie/Force of Nature ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gangplank build - R>Q>W>E (Start off with E to deny) +Meki Pendant +Avarice Blade +Boots of Speed +Avarice Blade +Cloak of Agility +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Infinity Edge +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Vampiric Scepter -Meki Pendant +Zeal +Executioner's Calling/Bilgewater Cutlass -Avarice Blade +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/The Black Cleaver +Phantom Dancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garen build - R>E>W>Q (Get one level of Q at level 2.) +Doran's Shield/Boots of Speed +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi/Boots of Swiftness +Sunfire Cape +Aegis of the Legion/Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen +Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen/Gurdian Angel +Randuin's Omen/Gurdian Angel/Force of Nature -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel/Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gragas tank build - R>E>Q>W +Ruby Crystal +Boots of Speed +Aegis of the Legion +Heart of Gold +Mercury's Treads/Ninja's Tabi +Banshee's Veil +Randuin's Omen +Frozen Mallet/Sunfire Cape +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire cape Gragas AP build - R>Q>E>W (Start with one point in E and get one point in W at level 4.) +Doran's Ring (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Boots of Speed +Haunting Guise +Sorcerer's Shoes +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane/Rylai's Crystal Scepter -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Deathfire Grasp/Rylai's Crystal Scepter (-Haunting Guise +Void Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heimerdinger build - W>Q>E>R (Put one point into Q at level 1 and one point in R at level 6) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Rod of Ages +Haunting Guise +Zhonya's Ring +Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Banshee's Veil +Soul Shroud/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel (-Haunting Guise +Void Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Janna build - R>E>Q>W (Put one point into W at level 4) - Whoops, Innervating Locket. Be back for an update! +Doran's Ring +Ruby Crystal +Boots of Speed +Soul Shroud/Aegis of the Legion +Boots of Swiftness/Mercury's Treads +Aegis of the Legion/Soul Shroud +Banshee's Veil/Shurleya's Reverie +Frozen Mallet/Randuin's Omen -Doran's Ring +Shurleya's Reverie/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jax build - R>Q>W>E (Put one point into E at level 2.) 0-21-9 (Make sure to get dodge.) +Doran's Shield +Boots of Speed +Guinsoo's Rageblade +Ninja Tabi +Vampiric Scepter +Frozen Mallet +Negatron Cloak +Hextech Gunblade +Trinity Force -Doran's Shield +Banshee's Veil/Quicksilver Sash/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Karthus build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4) +Tear of the Goddess +Boots of Speed +Mejai's Soulstealer +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Archangel's Staff +Rylai's Crystal Scetper/Void Staff +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassadin build - R>Q>E>W +Doran's Ring/Amplifying Tome +Mejai's Soulstealer +Boots of Speed +Catalyst the Protector +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Rod of Ages/Banshee's Veil +Haunting Guise/Void Staff +Zhonya's Ring/Deathfire Grasp -Doran's Ring +Deathfire Grasp/Zhonya's Ring/Lich Bane (-Haunting Guise +Void Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katarina AD build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 2.) +Doran's Shield +Boots of Speed +B.F Sword +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Sword of the Occult/B.F Sword +The Bloodthirster +The Bloodthirster/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/The Bloodthirster -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel/The Bloodthirster Katarina AP build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4.) +Doran's Shield +Boots of Speed +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Abyssal Scepter/Mejai's Soulstealer +Banshee's Veil +Zhonya's Ring -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kayle build - R>E>Q/W (Q if you want to be a bit more aggressive and W if you're playing defensively/want to support your team.) +Doran's Ring/Boots of Speed +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Guinsoo's Rageblade (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Nashor's Tooth +Hextech Gunblade +Trinity Force/Banshee's Veil +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Malady ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kennen build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4) +Doran's Shield (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Zhonya's Ring +Void Staff -Doran's Shield +Lich Bane/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kog'Maw build - W-R-Q-E (Get one point in E at level 4.) +Doran's Blade +Madred's Razors +Boots of Speed +Madred's Bloodrazors +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Phage +Last Whisper +Vampiric Scepter +Frozen Mallet +Stark's Fervour/The Bloodthirster +Infinity Edge/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LeBlanc build - R>Q>W>E +Doran's Ring +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes +Deathfire Grasp +Haunting Guise +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Zhonya's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Lich Bane (-Haunting Guise +Void Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lux build - R>E>W>Q (Start with one point in Q at level 1) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Shurleya's Reverie +Soul Shroud +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malphite build - R>Q-E>W (Alternate between Q-E starting with Q) 0-9-21 +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Sorcerer's Shoes +Sunfire Cape/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/Randuin's Omen +Randuin's Omen/Abyssal Scepter/Haunting Guise +Abyssal Scepter/Sunfire Cape/Thornmail -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Malzahar build - R>E>W>Q (Get one point in Q at level 2) +Doran's Ring +Mejai's Soulstealer +Boots of Speed +Kage's Lucky Pick +Sorcerer's Shoes +Deathfire Grasp +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff +Void Staff/Zhonya's Ring +Rylai's Crystal Scepter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Yi jungle build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 2.) +Wriggle's Lantern +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Recurve Bow +Infinity Edge/Madred's Bloodrazor +Last Whisper/Stark's Fervour +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/The Bloodthirster/Executioner's Calling/Phantom Dancer Master Yi lane build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 2.) +Long Sword +Boots of Speed +The Brutalizer +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Vampiric Scepter +Recurve Bow +Infinity Edge/Madred's Bloodrazor +Last Whisper +Stark's Fervour/Executioner's Calling +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/The Bloodthirster/Executioner's Calling/Phantom Dancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miss Fortune build - R>Q>W>E (Put one point into E at level +Doran's Blade +Boots of Speed +Infinity Edge +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Last Whisper +Executioner's Calling +Frozen Mallet -Doran's Blade +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordekaiser build - R>E>W>Q (Get one point into Q at level 4) 9-21-0 +Doran's Shield/Regrowth Pendant +Regrowth Pendant +Boots of Speed +Chain Vest/Negatron Cloak +Sorcerer's Shoes +Sunfire Cape/Force of Nature (+Haunting Guise) +Force of Nature/Sunfire Cape +Randuin's Omen/Frozen Mallet/Sunfire Cape -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape/Banshee's Veil/Abyssal Scepter/Thornmail (-Haunting Guise +Abyssal Scepter) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morgana build - R>W>Q>E (Get one point in E at level 4) +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes/Boots of Swiftness +Zhonya's Ring +Void Staff/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Deathfire Grasp +Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Deathfire Grasp/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mundo tank build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 2) +Doran's Shield +Boots of Speed +Spirit Visage +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Warmog's Armor +Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen +Randuin's Omen/Sunfire Cape -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel/Shurleya's Reverie/Sunfire Cape/Whatever item you pleases. Mundo AD build - R>Q>E>W +Doran's Shield +Boots of Speed +Spirit Visage +Mercury's Treads/Berserker's Greaves +Vampiric Scepter +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Bilgewater Cutlass/Executioner's Calling +Stark's Fervour/Last Whisper -Doran's Shield +Infinity Edge/Madred's Bloodrazor/Whatever item you pleases. Mundo jungle build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point into W at level 4) +Wriggle's Lantern +Boots of Speed +Spirit Visage +Mercury's Treads/Boots of Swiftness +Warmog's Armor +Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen +Randuin's Omen/Sunfire Cape -Wriggle's Lantern +Gurdian Angel/Stark's Fervour/Sunfire Cape/Whatever item you pleases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nasus tank build - R>E>Q>W (Start with a point in Q and get one point in W at level 4) 9-21-0 +Ruby Crystal +Boots of Speed +Aegis of the Legion +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Sunfire Cape/Banshee's Veil/Randuin's Omen +Banshee's Veil/Randuin's Omen/Spirit Visage +Sunfire Cape/Randuin's Omen/Thornmail +Sunfire Cape/Gurdian Angel Nasus support build - R>E>Q>W (Start with a point in Q and get one point in W at level 4) 9-21-0 +Ruby Crystal +Boots of Speed +Aegis of the Legion +Sheen +Mercury's Treads/Ninja's Tabi +Trinity Force +Randuin's Omen/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/Randuin's Omen/Sunfire Cape/Spirit Visage +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape/Rylai's Crystal Scepter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nidalee build - R>E/Q>W (Put one point into W at level 2/4.) +Doran's Ring +Blasting Wand +Boots of Speed +Guinsoo's Rageblade (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Mercury's Treads/Sorcerer's Shoes/Ninja Tabi +Sheen +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane -Doran's Ring +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nunu build - R>E>W>Q (Start with putting one point in Q) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Banshee's Veil +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff/Randuin's Omen -Doran's Ring +Randuin's Omen/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Olaf build - R>W>E>Q (Get one point in Q at level 4) +Wriggle's Lantern +Boots of Speed +Phage +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Frozen Mallet +Vampiric Scepter +Heart of Gold +Atma's Impaler/Banshee's Veil/Sunfire Cape +Randuin's Omen +Bilgewater Cutlass/Executioner's Calling/The Bloodthirster ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pantheon build - R>Q>W>E +Doran's Blade +Doran's Blade +Boots of Speed +The Brutalizer +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +The Bloodthirster +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Randuin's Omen/Banshee's Veil -Doran's Blade +Frozen Mallet/Hexdrinker/The Bloodthirster/Gurdian Angel -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/The Bloodthirster/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poppy build - R>Q>E>W (Start with a point in E and get one point in W at level 4) +Sheen +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Trinity Force +Deathfire Grasp +Hextech Gunblade +Lich Bane +Zhonya's Ring/Guinsoo's Rageblade/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rammus build - (I have no idea what skill build he should have...) +Heart of Gold +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Aegis of the Legion/Thornmail/Sunfire Cape/Force of Nature +Sunfire Cape/Thornmail/Force of Nature +Banshee's VeilGurdian Angel/Randuin's Omen +Randuin's Omen/Gurdian Angel +Sunfire Cape/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renekton build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 2.) +Doran's Shield/Ruby Crystal +The Brutalizer +Boots of Speed +Heart of Gold +Ionian Boots of Lucidity/Mercury's Treads +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Randuin's Omen +Sunfire Cape/Force of Nature +Frozen Mallet -Doran's Shield +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryze build - R>E>Q>W (Get one point in W at level 2) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Rod of Ages +Sorcerer's Shoes +Haunting Guise +Deathfire Grasp +Zhonya's Ring -Doran's Ring +Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaco build - R>E>Q>W (Start with one point in W and get Q at level 3.) +Wriggle's Lantern +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Madred's Bloodrazor/Infinity Edge +Banshee's Veil +Stark's Fervour/Last Whisper +Gurdian Angel/Frozen Mallet/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Singed build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4) +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed +Rods of Ages/Banshee's Veil +Boots of Swiftness/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Heart of Gold +Neutron Cloak +Randuin's Omen/Force of Nature/Banshee's Veil +Force of Nature/Randuin's Omen/Banshee's Veil +Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Gurdian Angel +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shen build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4 and 8) +Heart of Gold +Boots of Speed +Ruby Crystal +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Aegis of the Legion +Randuin's Omen +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape/Force of Nature +Banshee's Veil/Force of Nature +Sunfire Cape/Thornmail ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sion AP build - R>W>Q>E (Start with a point in Q and get one point in E at level 3) +Doran's Ring/Saphire Crystal +Sheen +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane +Void Staff/Deathfire Grasp +Banshee's Veil/Rylai's Crystal Scepter/Gurdian Angel Sion AD build - R>E>W>Q (Start with a point in Q.) +Doran's Blade +Doran's Blade/Vampiric Scepter +Boots of Speed +Executioner's Calling +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Phantom Dancer -Doran's Blade +Infinity Edge/The Bloodthirster -Doran's Blade +Atma's Impaler/Bilgewater Cutlass/Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sivir build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 4) +Doran's Blade +Boots of Speed +Manamune +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Vampiric Scepter +The Bloodthirster/Warmog's Armor +Frozen Mallet/The Bloodthirster +The Bloodthirster/Last WhisperAtma's Impaler -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Sunfire Cape/The Bloodthirster ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sona build - R-Q/W-E (Q/W depends on your lane partner, playstyle and needs. Get one point in E at level 4.) - Whoops, Innervating Locket. Be back for an update! +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Catalyst the Protector +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Innervating Locket +Mercury's Treads/Boots of Swiftness +Soul Shroud +Aegis of the Legion/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soraka build - R>E>Q>W (Get one point in W at level 4 - This build is WAY outdated) +Innervating Locket +Ninja Tabi/Mercury's Treads +Mejai's Soulstealer +Soul Shroud +Deathfire Grasp +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Zhonya's Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swain build - R>E>Q>W (Start with one point in Q and get a point in W at level 3) +Doran's Ring +Sorcerer's Shoes +Deathfire Grasp +Haunting Guise +Rylai's Crystal Scepter (+Spirit Visage) +Zhonya's Ring -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil (-Haunting Guise +Void Staff) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taric build - R>Q>W>E (Start with one point in E) +Ruby Crystal +Boots of Speed +Aegis of the Legion +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Sunfire Cape/Banshee's Veil +Randuin's Omen/Abyssal Scepter +Gurdian Angel/Sunfire Cape +Sunfire Cape/Frozen Mallet/Atma's Impaler Credits go to Kabb of Quote
Simmo Posted January 24, 2011 Author Posted January 24, 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teemo build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 4.) +Doran's Ring +Kage's Lucky Pick +Boots of Speed +Deathfire Grasp (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Boots of Mobility/Sorcerer's Shoes +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane/Void Staff -Doran's Ring +Void Staff/Lich Bane ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tristana build - R>E>Q>W (Put one point in W at level 2.) +Doran's Blade +Boots of Speed +Infinity Edge/Madred's Bloodrazor +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Last Whisper/Stark's Fervour +Vampiric Scepter +Zeal +Executioner's Calling/The Bloodthirster/Stark's Fervour +Phantom Dancer -Doran's Blade +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Phantom Dancer ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trundle build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4) +Wriggle's Lantern +Mercury's Treads/Berserker's Greaves/Ninja Tabi +Phage +Brutalizer +Frozen Mallet +Youmuu's Ghostblade + ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tryndamere build - R>Q>W>E (Put one point in E at level 1) +Avarice Blade +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Pickaxe +Cloak of Agility +Vampiric Scepter +Infinity Edge +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Last Whisper +Zeal +Executioner's Calling/Stark's Fervour/The Bloodthirster +Phantom Dancer (-Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Phantom Dancer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twisted Fate build - W>Q>E>R (Get one point in R at level 6) +Doran's Ring/Sapphire Crystal +Sheen +Boots of Speed (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Deathfire Grasp +Zhonya's Ring +Lich Bane -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twitch build - R>E>Q>W (Start with one point in Q and get a point in W at level 2/4) +Doran's Blade +Avarice Blade +Boots of Speed +Pickaxe +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads +Infinity Edge/Madred's Bloodrazor +Vampiric Scepter +Last Whisper +Executioner's Calling/Stark's Fervour +Youmuu's Ghostblade -Doran's Blade +Frozen Mallet/Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Udyr build - R>E>W>Q (Get one point in W at level 2) 11-9-10 +Wriggle's Lantern +Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Chain Vest/Negatron Cloak +Negatron Cloak/Chain Vest +Randuin's Omen/Banshee's Veil +Banshee's Veil/Randuin's Omen +Sunfire Cape/Force of Nature +Force of Nature/Sunfire Cape/Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Urgot build - R>Q>E>W (Get one point in W at level 4) 11-19-0 +Doran's Ring +Boots of Speed +Brutalizer +Mercury's Treads +Frozen Mallet +Banshee's Veil +Randuin's Omen -Doran's Ring +Gurdian Angel ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Veigar build - R>Q>W>E (Get one point in E at level 2) +Tear of the Goddess +Mejai's Soulstealer/Sorcerer's Shoes +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mejai's Soulstealer +Deathfire Grasp +Archangel's Staff +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff +Void Staff/Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vladimir build R>Q>E>W (Put one point in W at level 2) 9-0-21 (Spell penetration-No mana masteries.) +Amplifying Tome/Doran's Shield +Mejai's Soulstealer +Boots of Speed (+Spirit Visage) +Sorcerer's Shoes/Mercury's Treads +Rylai's Crystal Scepter +Zhonya's Ring/Void Staff +Void Staff/Randuin's Omen ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warwick build - R>Q>E>W (Put one point in W at level 2.) 11-9-10 (Armor pen-Dodge-Utility mastery) +Madred's Razors +Boots of Speed +Madred's Bloodrazors +Berserker's Greaves/Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi +Banshee's Veil +Frozen Mallet/Gurdian Angel/Thornmail +Sunfire Cape/Bloodthirster/Randuin's Omen/Thornmail +Gurdian Angel/Randuin's Omen/Thornmail ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xin Zhao lane build - R>Q>W>E (Put one point in E at level 2 and 8) +Doran's Shield/Ruby Crystal +Phage +Boots of Speed +The Brutalizer +Mercury's Treads/Berserker's Greaves/Ninja Tabi +Vampiric Scepter +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Frozen Mallet +Last Whisper/Stark's Fervour/Sword of the Divine/Madred's Bloodrazor +The Bloodthirster/Bilgewater Cutlass/Executioner's Calling -Doran's Shield +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel/Randuin's Omen Xin Zhao jungle build - R>Q>W>E (Put points into E at level 4 and 8) +Wriggle's Lantern +Boots of Speed +Ruby Crystal +Mercury's Treads/Berserker's Greaves/Ninja Tabi +Phage +Youmuu's Ghostblade +Frozen Mallet +Last Whisper/Stark's Fervour/Sword of the Divine/Madred's Bloodrazor +Banshee's Veil/Gurdian Angel/Randuin's Omen (-Wriggle's Lantern +The Bloodthirster/Bilgewater Cutlass/Executioner's Calling) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zilean build - Q>W>E>R (Put one point in E at level 4, then another one when you hit level 10, also, put one point into R at level 6) 9-0-21 +Tear of the Goddess (+Mejai's Soulstealer) +Sorcerer's Shoes +Soul Shroud/Glacial Shroud +Haunting Guise +Archangel's Staff +Zhonya's Ring/Frozen Heart +Gurdian Angel/Banshee's Veil/Void Staff Credits go to Kabb of Quote
WeirdSituation Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 have you tried full ap blitzcrank? ::) Quote
Fortuna Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 Taric build is terrible imo. Also, not many people play AP eve anymore. Quote
WeirdSituation Posted January 24, 2011 Posted January 24, 2011 the same is with ad katarina...the majority is playing AP ;p. Quote
Fortuna Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 the same is with ad katarina...the majority is playing AP ;p. y, AP Kat is much better now... Quote
Belzebul Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 buildings are always changing, you cant play with a standard build because you dont have standard enemies. Anyway gz. have you tried full ap blitzcrank? ::) just try a full mp blitzcrank with ad/ap. trinity, archangels, manamune, frozen heart, banshees and rod of ages. Quote
Simmoski Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Yeah my blitzcrank build is as follows R>Q>E>W Mana Manipulator // Manamune (Situational) Sheen - Catalyst the Protector Boots (Swift) Trinity Force By then the game is usually over, you can later sell the Sheen and buy a second Trinity Force if the game lasts that long. Quote
Aventurine Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Have u ever tried Veigar with 5 archangel staffs + 1 rabadon deathcap + 100-120 last hitted minions with Q ? 1600 AP FTW ?xD Quote
Fortuna Posted January 25, 2011 Posted January 25, 2011 Have u ever tried Veigar with 5 archangel staffs + 1 rabadon deathcap + 100-120 last hitted minions with Q ? 1600 AP FTW ?xD AA staffs don't stack anymore :p Quote
Aventurine Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 AA staffs don't stack anymore :p LOL? they do just used this build on anivia had 1200 ap... Quote
Fortuna Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 LOL? they do just used this build on anivia had 1200 ap... True, actually. I mistook some patch notes ;p Quote
Aventurine Posted January 30, 2011 Posted January 30, 2011 True, actually. I mistook some patch notes ;p Np's Its fine ;D Quote
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