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how to use l2phx319??


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1. Launch l2phx.exe

2. Start l2.exe

3. Your l2 need to be on a window.

4. Enter your account and password then start with your character.

5. Whe u enter in l2 world open l2phx hack

6. If u wanna learn and another skills with this hack go to your master and then click on him afther that choose what skill u wanna learn and send the package.

7. If u wanna some items like weapon or armor go to gm shop(normal shop) click on him and open again l2phx hack then enter item ID and send it from package....(u need to know weapons and armors ID).

Now on most servers l2phx don't work bec gameguard catch u for using illegal action and u will be jailed ot kicked from the server.... U can try to use befora that gameguard killer .....

Aaaa .... u can use and some scripts u will see them in a options....

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1. Launch l2phx.exe

2. Start l2.exe

3. Your l2 need to be on a window.

4. Enter your account and password then start with your character.

5. Whe u enter in l2 world open l2phx hack

6. If u wanna learn and another skills with this hack go to your master and then click on him afther that choose what skill u wanna learn and send the package.

7. If u wanna some items like weapon or armor go to gm shop(normal shop) click on him and open again l2phx hack then enter item ID and send it from package....(u need to know weapons and armors ID).

Now on most servers l2phx don't work bec gameguard catch u for using illegal action and u will be jailed ot kicked from the server.... U can try to use befora that gameguard killer .....

Aaaa .... u can use and some scripts u will see them in a options....



one more question, is it possible to your the account=1 script under l2phx? it wored under hlapex but not l2phx.

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  • 2 weeks later...

where can i find ID for gm shop and npcs????

If you mean normal GM shop you can log the packet and check .

For example Command npc_268435540_joinFraction 2


the 268435540 would be NPC id


But I'm not 100% sure what are you looking for.

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