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[HELP] How Make GrandRBs Spawn witout quest



Hello, I try make my grandRB allways alive witout quest, but i cannot find the correct part of scrit to change for it.


Here our valakas.java for exmple:




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if you dont know how to mod the AI, create a new RB with the grand boss template or change the grand boss type to L2RaidBoss and add him to raidboss_spawnlist table.

Recommended: put a # before the grand boss AI script call in scripts.cfg to not interfire with your custom boss

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if you dont know how to mod the AI, create a new RB with the grand boss template or change the grand boss type to L2RaidBoss and add him to raidboss_spawnlist table.

Recommended: put a # before the grand boss AI script call in scripts.cfg to not interfire with your custom boss


every kid can make templte and get not moveble, not atacked , bugy RB... this why i ask what line should i add at this valakas.java...

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not moveable, not attacking, bugged? The way i tell you to make the rb is the same as the other game raid boss are done. If what you say would be true, the rb system would not work in l2j. Do not trust those unexperienced admin/developers who tell that it becomes buggy, just cause they didnt do it properly

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and for exmple i took some mobs add it  RB template, then how i change respawn time of it? i cannot find normal mobs respawn time file location


why do you ask for help if you dont even read the answer we provide you?

In the second post i told you to add them into raidboss_spawnlist table, where you have to put the respawn time and the min and max delay

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why do you ask for help if you dont even read the answer we provide you?

In the second post i told you to add them into raidboss_spawnlist table, where you have to put the respawn time and the min and max delay

1st. i got answer take some normal mobs and add it RB template, So i need normal mobs respawn times and not Groundboss_data... How change respawn time of normal mobs.
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