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Communism? prison?


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Yeah, I am Adolf Hitler, the bad guy who doesn't let you flame the forum all day long in romanian, thinking that we are idiots who can't understand what you're writing, lol.

You trully are immature, I still can't understand what happened after you asked for your demotion. It's not our fault that you requested to leave, stop pretending to be the rebel guy.


PS: Be glad that I haven't junked your topic yet.

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You are funny, really.


How would you like to act after you smite them, do not let us to have even a custom title?


with " thank you coyote, i always i wanted to have this title! " ?



srsly, you became strange not me.



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Coyote i think you dislike us ,not because you changed your title but because  u ban that kid Andrey without to warn him,he was his first and only offense he ever said and as Raule said when someone swear him nobody do a thing a warn or something...

those are the only things i had to say

hope u wont get mad now and ban all of us

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