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Is there a way?


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I have multiple htmls in a 'web' folder.


For example:






Is there a way, if i change something in index.html (for example, a button INFO to redirect to www.google.com), to apply the SAME change to other .htmls WITHOUT touching anything else?


Lets say i have a  working facebook button on the website, but i made another group on facebook and now i want that link to be replaced (From old url to a new facebook group url).


So, I edit index.html and put blablablabla location='www.facebook.com/groups/groupIdOrNameHereOrWhatever'; < Where ever it needs to be put.


Well now, i want to do same for other htmls, and since im bored and dont have time to edit many htmls, is there a way to apply THIS change (change done in index.html) to every OTHER .html file without touching any context in it?



Thanks, searched but didnt find anything.

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