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Is not the first time i see someone to make a "fake" account just to "kill" a server!

But this time is for mine server. So just look on: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=173752.60

2 new peoples on forum only post on l2erevos and just say whatever!

So my question is: How i can protect my post from all those people who make a new account and say

lies about me or my server ?

I dont have problem to hear bad things about erevos but JESUS not like that.



both accounts banned.


Topic cleaned.


@ you and @ all: if you want your topic to be cleaned do not quote or answer to those flamers/bots. I won't delete toons of pages.

just leave them say w/e they want and report them.

We'll take care of them.



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