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L2JArchid is a big crap better use l2jfrozen

Between the old archid bsed on l2jfree and l2jfrozen based on l2jscoria...

I would chose the archid option,you have no idea about something...just a spam manager.


Between the old archid bsed on l2jfree and l2jfrozen based on l2jscoria...

I would chose the archid option,you have no idea about something...just a spam manager.


You are allowed to choose whatever you want... Who fucking cares?


ok lets say it again


you are welcome to chose  whichever you may deem suits more perfectly your needs, however, none restricts you from the privilege provided by human's free will, to commit the correct actions. On the other hand, several sanctions are dwelling on the next corner, so i advise you to chose wise. Who am i to judge your descisions? Feel free to be guided by your intellect.






But you have to use Eclipse in order to download it!!(i dont know other way!)

ALL OF YOU STOP IT!YOU ARE OFF-TOPIC!He wants the project SO STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no point of opening a server , if he has no idea about what to do with the svn .

Please do not start one more sh1tty sv ;D !!!


There is no point of opening a server , if he has no idea about what to do with the svn .

Please do not start one more sh1tty sv ;D !!!


I agree!So dear bestini16 tell us if you know anything about svn or Tell to a modetator to lock your topic!

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