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[COULD WORK_] idea for anti-ddos attacks.

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i am too pro to pm you. Pm me instead with the idea. thx

LOL,you jurk was a reason to stop.

You are still making those rampage weapons :p


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wasn't rampage a epilogue project?


so matim this will work? is gonna i mean?

I don't think that Zhivago got a PM so far.
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MD you are right, i will this pwning idea.

And i was wronge trying share it without asking the team first, Forgive Me For My Rudeness.


No idea because i wasnt talking with author of this idea/thread.

That's why i am not locking it lol

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MD you are right, i will this pwning idea.

And i was wronge trying share it without asking the team first, Forgive Me For My Rudeness.

That's why i am not locking it lol

Νο,no!It's your idea and you can do whatever you want to,but if we had a good dev that could work free and has several java knowledge,we could re-make it :p
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LOL,you jurk was a reason to stop.

You are still making those rampage weapons :p



if you where smart enought to request weapons like a server yes -.-

i was making vazelos, your and bloody's requests at the same time. and THEN you said me that the projects i work on is the same thing! -.-

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if you where smart enought to request weapons like a server yes -.-

i was making vazelos, your and bloody's requests at the same time. and THEN you said me that the projects i work on is the same thing! -.-

Die!You first said that you will make 'em for free and then you said that you need to be paid.

Anyway,if you're willing to enter the team now,we can re-think of it :p

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Ps.If i dont reply in pm means that you are not pro developer.


You looking here for a developer? the truth some times is bad, but is the truth, here we are all kids, 12-25 years old, no one is developer, there are ppl have few skills thats dont mean is-weare developers


Well im not developer but with few low java skills - network skills i can say you.


- For sure inside project there is a source that have to do with packets, right? you use filters. ammount of packet, timing, is right packets or is modified, and if someone try send a modified packet - big ammount of packet in low time, if someone try flood with useles packets then just interupt him, ban his connection? just disconet? is your choise, this way in server project.


- 2nd way is use filters in your router, well i dont know much things about networks, just go ask an who know and is his work networks, not in internet, in real life. you can also find in internet guides.



Soz for my bad english

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Ok, let me make it clear folks. About the DDos attacks, they can't get rejected by your L2J software.

They can harm your connection much before they get into the software.

Not even a good firewall can protect you from a well-set DDos attack.

Software has a low possition in the rooter hierarchy, So the only way you get protected by these kind of attacks is

Physhical hardware protection. (And I really doupt that it can totally protect you)


Yours Joe

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