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hello guys  i used this tool in our early stages of getting our c5 client to work with the c4 npcdata. We now use another solution, but the program is still pretty neat if you wish to create custom or add extra npcs/monsters to the lineage 2 client. As the name tells you, the programs creates a npcgrp-text. You can use it to create a totaly new one or make additions.

You can load in a compare list to see how the earlier file looked like. This to speed up a possible re-creation of npcgrp.



  • 6 months later...

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Is Hide pffffffffff again and again pfffffffffffff

Wow..this is with one word...SPAM . Gather the posts and you will be able to view it.




Really nice programme . But with this we can add custom npc-s or we can just add those you have with the programm ???


Edit: Ok i found it out by myself :P . You can do both.

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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