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Server file decoding

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Hey, i need to decode server files (after i extract *.jar the files *.class are coded) and i cant found any tool what can do that. Can somebody help me ?

Tnx 4 answer and srry 4 bad english  :-[

and srry 4 wrong section :-\

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taken from ragezone


jar cant be edited. take java files to edit.


Heres the hierachy: .java file -> .class file -> .jar file. When u want to edit a jar file, u have to use winrar for example and unzip it. Then you got some class files. When u are lucky u can decompile this class files with jad.exe (goolge for it)


but the best way is to edit java files and compile it yourself.


there is a program named DJ Java Decompiler where you can decompile *.jar files as well :)

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