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hmmm...loipon kserw gia to echante mono anoigontas to l2phx patas hidden meta anoigeis to L2,arxhka foras kai meta vgazeis to item p thes na kns echante pas sto L2phx kai pas ekei p leei packet sniffer kai patas epanw sto use item (kati tetio prpei na leei) kai vlepeis ta noumera p s vgazei deksia.Ta kns copy kai pas sto send packets kai to kns paste.Meta pas se ena wh exontas parei osa echantes theleis-(na ksereis ta echantes DN PRPEI NA EINAI DIPLA-DEKSIA-ARISTERA-DIAGWNIA STO ITEM P THES NA KNS ECHANTE ALLIOC THA SPASEI AKOMA KAI STO +1)-anoigeis to anoigeis to deposit kai rixneis mesa to weapon.pas sto L2phx kai patas panw sto deposit list kaneis copy ta noumera kai ta grammata deksia kai ta kaneis paste duo fores sto send packet.meta perneis apo to wh to item p einai na to kns echante.To kns thn prwth fora echante kanonika kai pas sto L2phx sto packet sniffer kai patas panw sto EchanteItem kns copy afta p exei deksia kai pas sto send packet kai patas paste.Afth thn stigmh einai etimo.Arxhka ksexasa na s pw prepi na dokimaseis exontas anoixto to deposit sto wh an anoigei kai to iventory patontas to me to mouse!Epishs o server gia na doulepsei to L2phx prpei na einai L2J=L2JAVA gt se L2Of dn pianei!EImaste sto teliko stadio exontas to item p theloume na kanoume echante makria apo ta echante scrolls.anoigoume to deposit sto wh anoigoume to iventory kai aploc anoigoume kai ena echante xoris na epileksoume to item p theloume na to echantaroume.pas sto send packet kai patas send!!!To programma doulepse!An ginei kanonika echante to item tha to vreis sto wh s kai meta tha ksanaepanalaveis Aploc to send!An spasei to item dn tha pareis crystalls aploc tha to ksanavreis sto wh s!!Kati allo p epishs ksexasa na s pw prpei toulaxiston mia fora na ginei echante to item gia na pareis to ID t allios dn prokite na to kns!Pistevw na se voithhsa arketa alla pragmata dn kserw!Genikotera mporeis na vreis esu dika s pragmata dokimazontas me ta packets!ante kalo echante!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ti psaxneis se ligo kairo to L2phx 8a einai perasmeni ipo8esi opws to hlapex.Trws dc gt dn douleuei to L2phx ston server p paizeis

  • 9 months later...
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    • he kept his promise! i think it's a good idea to unban his old account. he shares files with the community and could help both new and veteran l2off users! good job, Guytis!
    • the only thing you know how to do is to change drawings inside a lineage2 client and you decide to talk about the IQ of others? hahahaha
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