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I have successfuly started the L2Comm, however im having issue with the clan page.


There's something called: Clan Mail, and Clan Notice...whenever you click on those nothing happens.. The rest of the fuctions work correctly.


Did anyone managed to get it work?

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L2Comm has not been updated or fixed since C4 and is full of injections problems. As far as I know there is no fully working release available aside from C4.

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I do not use COEP and never will, too many problems and missing functions. I have no problems with dvamp files at all, mine work great except L2Comm is outdated.

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I do not use COEP and never will, too many problems and missing functions. I have no problems with dvamp files at all, mine work great except L2Comm is outdated.

Well the C in COEP stands for Community, of which there is none, so are you surprised?
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Well the C in COEP stands for Community, of which there is none, so are you surprised?


Of course hes not, just like we aren't that a free framework exists with a shitload of info freely availeble and alot of working features done - is apparently way too crappy for anyone to begin working and learning on.


I call it the L2J mentality.

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I am not worried since the Community Board in L2DC is working like it should, including all Clan functions, mail, memo and Friends. One of our DC devs took the time to recode the entire CB system and update it to Freya, looks and works great now. Only thing we did not add was Favorite (does not work on retail anyway) and Homepage (requires client mod so we left it blank) tabs. :)


Even added a new feature in the Region tab instead of the old Java server stats that displays all the castle, who occupies them and the current tax rates for each. :D


Maybe I will post some screenshots later.

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lol we really don't care... both me and mac could do exactly what you have but with the L2Off L2Comm which is an incredibly more complex job than recoding something with fully understood and open sourced protocols, the difference is neither of us run servers and no one has paid us to do it so there is no reason for us to do it.


And you missed the entire point of what both of us said, the fact I mentioned you being an L2DC member had nothing to do with whether or not you have the comm stuff working on your little l2j project and everything to do with the fact that you have the l2j mentality - where you want everything done for you with as little work to do as possible - hence your comments on the incompleteness of COEP - and it is the L2j mentality that migrated to l2off after the leak of the c4 l2off files that causes projects like COEP to be lacking in the C - Community, because most of the real developers left after the c4 leak.


The perfect example of the l2j mentality in l2off is people trying to buy "packs" - in l2j packs that you get vary hugely due to custom modifications and main framework differences - however with l2off there is no difference between 1 interlude pack and the next, yet people still try and buy packs thinking that they are any different than the ones they can download for free on this forum and many others. Not to mention the attitude people have towards l2off that everything should be working for them and they shouldn't have to do any work themselves to run a perfect server.

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