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i've 1st started this program to help a newbie from "[General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] English" but now is a real program that can be put at shares...and now it have a tutorial too

So Here It Is!


Download LinK For Skill Time Changer V2


Credits to: Me (HardStyle)


And say thanks to Maxchaters forum! its a GREAT COMMUNITY


here is how the program looks :





and now i try to explain how to use it, i will use img.(number) to refer to a object from the image above :



1st you need to know that you have 2 options :



A) with database connection(Easier) (check  img.(5) radio button )


B) without data base connection (check  img.(6) radio button )


So here is the tutorial :


A.1) first you need to feel up data for database connection

img.(1) = server (default is localhost... the pc u use needs to have a l2jdb installed)

img.(2) = gamserver database name (default is l2jdb)

img.(3) = your username (default is root)

img.(4) = username password



A.2) Click img.(7) button to "Generate Table" and it will generate the table like you can see at img.(13)

(in this screenshot  img.(7) button caption is "Clear Table" cuz i've allready generated the table)

This will put in the table the result of this sql command on your database :

select DISTINCT skill_trees.skill_id , skill_trees.NAME, char_templates.ClassName from skill_trees , char_templates where char_templates.ClassId = skill_trees.class_id  ;


and Wait until the caption of img.(7) button changes to "Clear table"  if you press click while  "stop Generator" it will stop adding skills and you will not have all the skill you want


Note:You need to make this step (A.2)only if you want to use img.(8) or img.(10), if you want to use img.(9) u can skip this step


A.3) set the value of img.(11) to wanted buff time

Note: time is in miliseconds  1 second  = 1000 miliseconds



A.4)Now you need to chose witch buffs you want to add and where from:


A.4.1)If you want your buffs generated from the table loaded:

go to img.(13) and check the  checkbox img.(14) from the rows with your wanted skills and after click img.(8) button


A.4.2) If you want to change the time only fror the buffs that are enabled in Rin4a's buffer :

1st  configure the buffer from the game...

2nd  Click img.(9) button


A.4.3 If you want to change the time for all the buffs from Rin4a buffer but you want to add more (ex if you dont want to add to buffer Gift of queen but you want to change the time ...)

go to img.(13) and check the  checkbox img.(14) from the rows with your wanted skills and after click img.(10) button


A.5)the result is allready copied to yor clipboard but you can copy it yourself if you lose it and after  go to Gamserverfolder->config->Character.properties seach for "SkillDurationList =" and  the paste after the "="

and make shore that enableskillduration = true



OK so now i will teach you how to use it without database connection:


The different steps are:

B.1)You SKip A.1) step


B.2)click "generate table " button but will generate the skill tree from my table (freya)


B.3) same like A.3)


B.4.1) same like A.4.1)

B.4.2) you need to do all this steps from V1 version:

2) 1st configure the Rin4a buffer  and enable only the buffs you want ...


3) go to navicat-><your connectuion>-><Your GS DB>->Query ->new Query



4) write this



SELECT buffid from buffer_buff_list where canUse =1;



this will give you a list of buffid's from buffer_buff_list that players can take from the buffer only the buffs you have enabled ...



5) copy the result -> ctrl+A  and ctrl+C...

and after go and click Click img.(9) button


B.4.3) you need to do the same licke B.4.2 but don't click the img.(9) button and after u select skills from table you click img.(10) button


B.5) same like A.5)



I hope this helps you :)





Download Link For Skill Time Changer V2



you make this Tool?? or not Give the Right credits


u can read the name of the tool...:D

and the "Credits to: Me (HardStyle)"



read the 1st lines of the post....

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