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[Help] Website installation

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Hi guys,

ok so i just downloaded a website from picassooo, then i uploaded it via ftp fillezilla to my domain and im getting this error on my front page. It says, Couldn't connect to MySQL i already tried everything by changing mysql host name and so on.. or maybe im doing it all wrong ? does it need like some sort of a software or something ? its my fiirst website after php fusion...so i am newb at this.


My config file looks like this:



$L2JBS_config["mysql_host"]="localhost"; // MySQL IP

$L2JBS_config["mysql_port"]=3306; // MySQP port

$L2JBS_config["mysql_db"]="l2jdb"; // l2jdb or your lineage 2 server database name

$L2JBS_config["mysql_login"]="root"; // MySQL Login name

$L2JBS_config["mysql_password"]=""; // MySQL Password ------- (im not using password)

$htitle="servertitle"; // Site Title

$fut="Napas © servername <br>2010"; // You can change only server name . You must leave Napas ©

$top="100"; // How many players must be in top100

$hserver=""; // Server IP

$portgame="7777"; // Game Server Port

$portlogin="2106"; // Server Port


$shat="c:/Gracia server pack/gameserver/log/chat.log";






// by Picassoo






//Serever Rates












thanks in advance guys ;)


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