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[Help] GameServer error



Hi guyz :)

I made a restart to my server but when gameserver is loading i get this error...


i get this error long and long ........

when i enter the game it shows me at the "dmg chat" that the giran siege has start/end aden siege start/end and the same at all castles...... all the time

P.S.: This is not a fresh server ... I worked 3-5 hours for custom items and other things, so this means a lot of server restarts but... I dont get this such of error in this time :S (L2JBrasil Interlude) Plz helm me :(


Update: if i start the gs 1st it will run normally and when I start the ls, ls gives me the same error (gs error like in the image). And if I start ls 1st ... gs will give errors :(

My opinnion is that i dont have inuff memory ram or cpu is too slow ???




Cpu: e2180 (DualCore) 2.00 GHz, 800 MHz

Ram: 2 Gb

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It's related to your database, it's like if you had connections flood.


Dunno if you modified something about load, but perhaps a connection isn't closed or something like that.


It's pretty rare error, so...

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CPU usage 100%, you're focked something for sure, which make your server loading forever something.


Problem is there are no real errors in your logs, so except if you find yourself or if you do a patch of the overall changes, we can't help you.


Try to search in SiegeManager.java if you modified something.




You're right saying you need more ram, but you're wrong saying it's a normal thing :). Your server is flooded, loading a thing over and over, and grow in weight.

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LOL but it works fine 1-2 days and now ?? suddenly this error :(

Maybe the siege config couse this ???

Y try to make a backup and install new server again nad see if y get this error :P

Thnk you Tryskell

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Well, try reset your siege configs. Make a reset of your siege dates aswell, dunno if that can help.


I tried to low database connections to 1, but that just don't bug at all ;o. Server corrects it alone to 2 if value is < 2.


You can too make a save of your custom properties (copy/paste to a new folder), and copy / paste fresh ones. Add only servers infos needed to connect you (login/psw/database name), don't mod it at all, it's just to try if it comes from configs or not.


If your server is in local, put down both gs/ls (aka close all), if you use wamp/lamp restart services, and after try anew. I already had some weird errors when I tried to restart wamp services when LS was still connected but gs no, errors in gs. But wasn't related to connections :(.


About your LS / GS stuff, it's pretty strange too... If you run the GS alone, it loads all and wait for a LS to connect ("waiting for loginserver, retry in xx seconds") ? When you do in this order (start gs and then start ls) what is the error ? On which window ? And when you do "ls first gs second", any error in LS ? You just talked about GS error :P.

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Amm... if I start ls first and gs second, gs gives me this error

If i start gs first ( full load ) and after i start ls, the ls gives me error :S

Now y am installing on other pc to see if this thing is happend...

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lol on my second pc (laptop) the same thing is happening :( lol ?

something is wrong with siegemanager.java :O

Tryskell ? shoul i modifiy something in siegemanager.java ???

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Well, you know now it doesn't come from environnement. We have to eliminate configs and java.


- Is the LS give the exact same error when it bugs ? It could come from a code which isn't related to sieges then.


- Have you tried configs reset ? C/p yours in security, and replace them by datapack ones.


- What about siege dates reset ? Put them all to 0, they should recalculate alone when you launch GS.


- What about java ? Have you modded it ? If yes, have you touched to SiegeManager ?


You don't give all answers in my questions, please condense your answers to make your problem faster to solve. And don't double post, it's bad seen in this forum.

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-Yes my ls give the exact same error ..... (sure if I start gs first (complete load) and after i start ls)


-I have installed with new configs by 2 times on my pc and 1 time on my laptop (L2JBrasil) and give the same error (today I dont start my server to see if I still get error)


-I never touch sige data...


-About Java ? I modded only enchant data (1 enchant scrool gives +100 not +1, but this thing I made and server runs verry good)


Is k ?   :)


P.S.: Now y dont have my pc with the server at home ... in the friday, saturday and sunday I can use my server pc :P

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It can come too from L2JBrasil.


Many IL packs got more bugs than corrected ones you know. Packs add bugs when it should be only fixes. Anyway.


I could say to upload your SiegeManager and Siege files, but better ask directly to them. I have no idea if it's only sieges related or if the bug happens during sieges stuff BECAUSE OF something bigger.


If you put fresh configs files, it shouldn't be configs then...


Try with a full fresh L2JBrasil pack, if you got exactly the same problem, consider change of pack. I lack of ideas, sorry.

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lool now it works perfectly :(

A thing i know... something dont work corectly at siege data :S

What did you do to correct it finally ?

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lol nothing :S

The problem was the siege day :)

Dont know what happen

Thank you tryskell for help :P


o_o You're welcomed, even if I haven't help lol.


If that comes back, post on their forum to report, because I'm not far of the truth if I say they add as much bugs as good commits.


You can too search about SiegeManager.java, comparing L2J one with your.

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