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hellbound [L2J] L2RamBase Gracia Epilogue 20x - No Donation!


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                                            L][RamBase Epilogue


NO DONATION server opened on December 1st, 2010 after 4 weeks of beta testing. Classes are very well balanced and server is lag free. NO corrupted staff ! (the most important ;) )

The server was made to please both categories of players - PvE and PvP.


Server location: Bucharest / Ro - Data-center

Language: - English on shout.

Web: http://lineage.rambase.ro


~*~*~*~ Server Features  ~*~*~*~

Rate Xp = 20x

Rate SP = 20x

Party Xp = 1.5x

Rate Adena = 5x

Drop Items = 20x

Raid Drop = 10x

Epic Jewels= 1x

Rate Spoil = 20x

Rate Manor = 10x

Buff slot 28/14

HB rate = 20x

RateQuestDrop = 10x

Safe enchant = +3

Safe enchant full body = +4

Rate enchant = 66%

Max enchant = +16


~*~*~*~ Custom NPC ~*~*~*~

Shop (Up to B Grade, Consumables, Dyes, Vitamins, Pets, Agathions, Cry converts, Craft for mats only, etc)

Global GK

NPC Skeme-Buffer - including for pet (no kamael buffs)

PvP/PK Informer.

Vitality Manager (you can recharge vitality every 5h).

Drop Calculator Npc.


~*~*~*~  Other Features  ~*~*~*~

All Buffs/Songs/Dances from NPC are 1 hour.

Mammons in towns.

Seven Signs unrestricted.

Forgotten Scrolls by event (you can get by different quest items)

Class change automatic when you get the certain level.

Off-line shop/craft up to 14 days.

Mana Potions (MP) - 100 mana points instant or Mana Drugs (MD) - 1500 mana points over time (100 mp/sec for 15 sec).

Vitamins (increase 10% enchant success rate).

Dual box allowed (up to 4/IP address).

Anti-bot system.


~*~*~*~ Automatic Events ~*~*~*~

L2 Day Event

Tricks and Transmutations

Saving Santa

Gods of Merchants

TvT Event

RaidBoss Event

Glittering Medals

Bunny Event

Handy's Block Checker Event

Other events by GMs


~*~*~*~ Instances - Dungeons ~*~*~*~

Solo Kamaloka




Kratei's Cube

Seven Signs instances





Tully Workshop

Naia Tower


Hellbound Town

Fortres Dungeon

Castles Dungeon

Chamber of Delusion


Wish you all the best and hope to see you in game!

Community increasing i may come with my clan if you add AllowWalker=true :D

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