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When tards' overcome reality...


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Hello kiddos outta there!

You may not heard of it but,I am MD aka Nikoloudos' and Pwnz0r's son!

Yeap,the one that got banned a while ago!

Anyway,according to this topic I am the one that should get banned.

I've nothing against this...BUT if what I've done deserves a ticket to banland UtlrasGate13 should get banned as well.

My topic,and my topic rules are confirmed by mods in order to avoid having it locked or junked.

He came up provoking and I stopped him the way I should do.

By reporting me he just confirmed that he's a pao fan once more.



To sum up,if I have my acc banned,I see no reason that explains why he shouldn't!He started it!


@Furiosus,you're the same as the majority of them.DIE!

@ED,it's not wrong to ban me but it's wrong to ban ONLY me!

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Man you flamed me and i have to be banned? You spoke about my mother like she is a porn and i must to be silence? Omg!

Our difference is that I would never report you. . .

You have provoked and flamed in my topic in the past but none ever reported you. . .

You neonazi should die.!

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md you took permanent ban?

just wanted to pm you today to create sam nais stories in spam team only, but wth i saw you banned, i was going to ask you, now i see for flames.



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md you took permanent ban?

just wanted to pm you today to create sam nais stories in spam team only, but wth i saw you banned, i was going to ask you, now i see for flames.



Nop,it's a 1-week-ban. .. I am not shouting for unban.I am shouting for this guy's ban.

It's impossible to have only one guilty,isn't it??

Anyway,I smell comebacks.I'll pm you as soon as I'll get my acc back :p

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