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hellbound [PTS] Hellbound x10 Falcon dVampire


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We want to create the big game community for players from the different countries. Scripts Falcon and library from the vampire are used.

English mirror of a site http://en.l2error.com/

Moderators in English section are required.


To write in skype falcon5037

ICQ 331 726 544


It not Java, it PTS


current online 30-70 players

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01) Heroes System : Hero List Fixed

02) Heroes System : Hero Skills now are being given to the heroes again.

03) New Dupe Related to Drop/Pick items is now Fixed.

04) i_summon_pc skill effect now checks for battlefield before summoning target.

05) Enchant System Completelly Rewritten

06) Bug with Item Pickup in Certain Zones fixed.

07) Adventurer skills and Backstab skill are/is now working good.

08) Shortcuts do not disappear anymore, bug fixed.

09) Clan System issues (functions not working properly such as change leader, give ranks and etc) now fixed.

10) Offline Trade (Operational Type 3), now work as proposed

11) Summon Attribute Transfering - Fixed

12) Visual Trade Bug Issues - Solved

13) PK Item Drop Bug - Solved

14) Botcheck.ini Loading - Fixed

15) Rewritten Pledge Level Up Code in C++.

16) Fixed Olympiad AntiFeed IPCheck wich was not working properly.

17) Fixed PVP System IPCheck wich was not working properly.

18) Fixed PVP System Reward wich was dropping PVP Reward in PK Kills.

19) //who now shows the total Offline Stores in the server.

20) /olympiadstat command now works as its proposed in CT1.5+ (Hellbound)

21) Hero skills are now only given when a hero have the 'aura', hero_type = 2 in user_nobless

22) i_summon_party skill effect now checks for battlefield before summoning member from party.

23) Implemented new builder cmd //set_clan_reputation clanname score to set reputation points.

24) Fixed normal clan level up that stopped working from 1,2,3...8 !

25) Fixed issue in multisell where in case of is_show_all = 0 was not showing the correct list always.

26) Fixed issue in Item Attribute System where the items was not being updated correctly in inventory

after adding or removing stones.

27) Fixed issue in Item Augmentation System where the items was not being updated correctly in inventory

after adding or removing augments.

28) Fixed Visual Issues (Bad Updating) of Client Screen during the creation of

Academy, Royal Guard and Royal Knights.

29) Fixed issue where the Royal Knights (3) Creation were not working correctly !

30) Fixed issue in Royal/Guard Unit Management where you couldn't change the Knight (4) Leadership.

31) Fixed Clan Skill List wich was not working correctly.

32) Fixed Offline Trade (Count) in //who.

33) Added more "Flexibility" in Clan Level Up, you can configure it in GeneralSettings.ini

34) Implemented new Gracia Final CT2.3+ Buff Bar, to enable it go to GeneralSettings.ini and set DS=true.

PS: right now it supports max of 10 Dance/Song, in next update will be 12 Dance/Song !

35) Fixed issue with jail system where it was teleporting & jailing people randomly.

36) Implemented Pledge Reputation Rank List (Clan Info), so now as much reputation points a clan have,

the higher ranked it will be (top 1000 pledges only!) (Updates every 5 minutes).


/* 09/11/2010 */

37) Implemented Auto Shutdown Manager to perform automatic daily server shutdown, look GeneralSettings.ini.

38) Implemented Builder CMD to shutdown the server //shutdown.

39) Fixed issue in clan system with pledge members not showing correctly sometimes, issue in mssql user_data

pledge_group and division with invalid values.

40) Fixed issue in clan system where the 'penalty' button of alt+n interface was always showing a invalid penalty.

41) Fixed issue with Package Sell Shop where the Title/Text of the Shop was not working correctly. (C6 Only)

42) Implemented Cast Speed / Attack Speed / Walk/Run Speed Retail Limitators to GeneralSettings.ini.


/* 12/11/2010 */

43) Implemented new AIO System (All In One Buffer Character Auto Managed System).

44) Fixed Autopickup MOD that was not working correctly.

45) Fixed issue w/ clan trying to level up from level 4 to 5 but had error w/ negative reputation points.


/* 13/11/2010 */

46) Fixed issue where p_autocast_when_damaged and p_autocast_when_attack were not working in Interlude/C6.

47) Duel System Rewritten in C++

48) p_counter_attack effect now works good as it should be.

49) AIO System now blocks attacks/skills when the character is not in peacezone


/* 17/11/2010 */

50) Fixed Unstability crashes introduced in the last update.

51) Adjusted Order of Buff Bar to Have Buffs/Dances/Songs/Debuffs.

52) Implemented Max Offline Shops Limitator in OfflineTrade.ini

53) Implemented IPBAN Option in WordFilter.txt good for avoid SpamBots

54) Fixed Auto Saving Skill Code, it will not overwrite Enchanted Skills Anymore

55) Implemented AttributeData.txt to allow customizing the Attribute Bonus Damage Gain.

to enable it you must do it at GeneralSettings.ini by disabling the usage of retail formulas.


/* 20/11/2010 */

56) Fixed Vampiric Rage !

57) Fixed Item Drop Event (Bak Event) !

58) Fixed issue w/ Mage Damages Not Showing (HB/T1)

59) Fixed Party Exp Level Gap, now you can Enabled/Disable it properly in GeneralSettings.ini

60) Fixed Experience Rollover Issues (Positive/Negative Overflows)

61) Fixed Swapped Values in /olympiadstat player command.

62) Fixed Bug when you kill someone (A kill B) using Magic Skills (Like Dark Vortex) and not Becoming PK !

63) Fixed Bug when you kill a summon or pet in duel mode and duel ends in Tie and Killer gets Karma/PK

now the fight just continues until you kill the pet master as it was planned to be :P

64) Fixed issue when you kill a summon or pet and a cursed weapon was dropping !

65) Fixed issue when transformation starts or ends, everyone see the character dead in the ground !

66) Fixed issue with character info area update, showing the character as dead to other players !

67) Fixed issue with character info area update, when a dead character press Go To Town or Go To Clan Hall,

and all users still see him as dead, but if they reconnect the char is alive !


/* 22/11/2010 */

68) Implemented dupe detection routine and security measure in Log event 927 (Warehouse Deposit) of cached .

69) AIO Character will not be able to pick up cursed weapons anymore :P


/* 23/11/2010 - 24/11/2010 */

70) Fixed Bug Where Multisell had issues exchanging enchanted items by not enchanted items, so now when keep_enchanted is 0

it will consume any enchanted item available in the user inventory as long it is not 'equipped'.

71) Ajusted Multisellchoose to it always take the Minimum Enchanted items from inventory (when keep_enchant = 0).

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