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[Share] ALL Buffs!! L][-Epiloge ,Names Files!:),ID:)

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Buffs 1H! Time:3600


<effect name="Buff" time="3600" val="0">



Buffs 2H! Time:7200

<effect name="Buff" time="7200" val="0"> ;D :D





All Buffs!       Names Files!

Berserker spirit 1000-1099

magic barrier    1000-1099

shield           1000-1099

blessed body     1000-1099

blessed soul     1000-1099

might            1000-1099

focus            1000-1099

haste            1000-1099

concentration    1000-1099

mental shield    1000-1099

resist poison    1000-1099

Agility          1000-1099


empower 2400-2499

acumen  2400-2499

clarity 2400-2499


wind walk     1200-1299

guidance      1200-1299

death whisper 1200-1299

bless shield  1200-1299

vampiric rage 1200-1299

blazing skin  1200-1299

resist shock  1200-1299


advanced block    1300-1399

prayer            1300-1399

arcane protection 1300-1399

Body Of Avatar    1300-1399

Wild Magic        1300-1399


mana gain           1400-1499

chant of protection 1400-1499



Specials:           Names Files!

Greater Might       1300-1399

Greater Shield      1300-1399

Prophecy of Fire    1300-1399

Prophecy of Water   1300-1399

Prophecy of Wind    1300-1399

Noblesse blessing   1300-1399


Chant of Victory    1300-1399

Magnus' Chant       1400-1499



Improved Buffs:            Names Files!

Improved Combat            1400-1499

Improved Magic             1500-1599

Improved Condition         1500-1599

Improved Critical Attack   1500-1599

Improved Shield Defense    1500-1599

Improved Movement          1500-1599

Chant of Blood Awakening   1500-1599



Summon Buffs:        Names Files!

Blessing of Queen    4600-4699

Gift of Queen        4700-4799

Blessing of Seraphim 4700-4799

Gift of Seraphim     4700-4799



Ressists:            Names Files!

Unholy Resistance    1300-1399

Holy Resistance      1300-1399

Elemental Protection 1300-1399

Divine Protection    1300-1399


Resist Aqua    1100-1199

Resist Wind    1100-1199

Resist Fire    1100-1199


Invigor           1000-1099

Holy Weapon       1000-1099

Regeneration      1000-1099

Mana Regeneration 1000-1099

Kiss of Eva       1000-1099


Decrease Weight   1200-1299



Dance:                 Names Files!

Dance of Aqua Guard    0300-0399

Dance of Earth Guard   0300-0399

Dance of Protection    0300-0399

Siren's Dance          0300-0399

Dance of the Vampire   0300-0399


Dance of Concentration 0200-0299

Dance of Fire          0200-0299

Dance of Fury          0200-0299

Dance of Inspiration   0200-0299

Dance of Light         0200-0299

Dance of the Mystic    0200-0299

Dance of the Warrior   0200-0299


Dance of Alignment     0500-0599

Dance of Blade Storm   0700-0799

Dance of Berserker     0900-0999



Songs:                 Names Files!

Song of Champion       0300-0399

Song of Flame Guard    0300-0399

Song of Meditation     0300-0399

Song of Renewal        0300-0399

Song of Storm Guard    0300-0399

Song of Vengeance      0300-0399

Song of Vitality       0300-0399


Song of Earth          0200-0299

Song of Hunter         0200-0299

Song of Invocation     0200-0299

Song of Life           0200-0299

Song of Warding        0200-0299

Song of Water          0200-0299

Song of Wind           0200-0299


Song of Elemental      0500-0599

Song of Wind Storm     0700-0799

Song of Purification   0900-0999



Warcryer:          Names Files!

Chant of Life      1200-1299

Chant of Fury      1200-1299

Chant of Evasion   1200-1299

Chant of Rage      1200-1299

Chant of Revenge   1200-1299


Chant of Fire      1000-1099

Chant of Battle    1000-1099

Chant of Shielding 1000-1099

Flame Chant        1000-1099


Chant of Spirit    1300-1399

Chant of Vampire   1300-1399

Chant of Eagle     1300-1399

Chant of Predator  1300-1399

Earth Chant        1300-1399

War Chant          1300-1399




Overlord:                Names Files!

Eye of Pa'agrio          1300-1399

Soul of Pa'agrio         1300-1399

Pa'agrio's Emblem        1400-1499

Pa'agrio's Fist          1400-1499


The Tact of Pa'agrio     1200-1299

Pa'agrian Haste          1200-1299

The Heart of Pa'agrio    1200-1299

The Rage of Pa'agrio     1200-1299

The Vision of Pa'agrio   1200-1299

Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 1200-1299


Victory of Pa'agrio      1400-1499


Pa'agrian Gift           1000-1099

The Glory of Pa'agrio    1000-1099

The Wisdom of Pa'agrio   1000-1099

Blessings of Pa'agrio    1000-1099



Warsmith:   Names Files!

Sharp edge  0800-0899

Spike       0800-0899

Restring    0800-0899

Case harden 0800-0899

Hard Tanning0800-0899

Embroider   0800-0899



buffy kamael:            Names Files!

Appetite for destruction 1400-1499

Vampiric Impulse         1400-1499

Magic impulse            1400-1499

Protection Instinct      1400-1499



Final Form    0500-0599



User receives mystical enlightenment for 20 seconds, increasing


M. Atk. by 40%, Casting Spd. by 50% and magic critical attack


rate by 50%, and decreasing MP consumption by 90%.


Magic Skill:    Names Files!

Enlightenment   1500-1599





Mana Potion:         Names File:

Custom Mana Potion   10000-10099

<set name="power" val="250" />


Skill GM:    Names File:

Super Haste  7000-7099





                 Names File:

All Weapons Hero  6600-6699


                       Names File:

All Weapons Hero kamael 9300-9399




Dance Of Concentration 0200-0299 szybkosc zucania magi

<mul order="0x30" stat="mAtkSpd" val="1.2"


Magic Barrier 1000-1099 obrona magiczna.  

mDef"> 1.23 1.3 <  na  mDef"> 1.40 1.9 <




buffs & Buffs skills IDs



Wind Walk = 4342,2

Agility = 1087,3

Acumen = 4355,3

Berz = 1062,2

Bless Shield = 4353,6

Blessed Body = 4347,6

Blessed Soul = 4348,6

Concentration = 4351,6

Death Whisper = 4360,3

Empower = 4356,3

Focus = 4359,3

Guidance = 4358,3

Haste = 4357,2

Magic Barrier = 4349,2

Mental Shield = 4346,4

Might = 4345,3

Resist Shock = 4350,4

Shield = 4344,3

Vampiric Rage = 4354,4

Wild Magic = 1303,1

Body Of Avatar = 1311,6



Dance of Aqua Guard = 307,1

Dance of Concentration = 276,1

Dance of Earth Guard = 309,1

Dance of Fire = 274,1

Dance of Fury = 275,1

Dance of Inspiration = 272,1

Dance of Light = 277,1

Dance of the Mystic = 273,1

Dance of Protection = 311,1

Siren's Dance = 365,1

Dance of the Vampire = 310,1

Dance of the Warrior = 271,1



Song of Champion = 364,1

Song of Earth = 264,1

Song of Flame Guard = 306,1

Song of Hunter = 269,1

Song of Invocation = 270,1

Song of Life = 265,1

Song of Meditation = 363,1

Song of Renewal = 349,1

Song of Storm Guard = 308,1

Song of Vengeance = 305,1

Song of Vitality = 304,1

Song of Warding = 267,1

Song of Water = 266,1

Song of Wind = 268,1



Greater Might = 1388,3

Greater Shield = 1389,3

Chant of Victory = 1363,1

Prophecy of Fire = 1356,1

Prophecy of Water = 1355,1

Prophecy of Wind = 1357,1

Chant of Magnus = 1413,1

Blessing of Seraphim = 4702,13

Gift of Seraphim = 4703,13

Gift of Queen = 4700,13

Blessing of Queen = 4699,13

Nobless =  1323,1



Unholy Resistance = 1393,3

Holy Resistance = 1392,3

Resist Aqua = 1182,3

Resist Wind = 1189,3

Resist Fire = 1191,3

Elemental Protection = 1352,1

Divine Protection = 1353,1

Invigor = 1032,3

Holy Weapon = 1043,1

Regeneration = 1044,3

Mana Regeneration = 1047,4

Kiss of Eva = 1073,2

Decrease Weight = 1257,3



Dash = 4,2

Iron Will = 72,3

Bear Spirit Totem = 76,1

Wolf Spirit Totem = 83,1

Puma Spirit Totem = 282,1

Bison Spirit Totem = 292,1

Rabbit Spirit Totem = 298,1

Ogre Spirit Totem = 109,1

Hawk Spirit Totem = 425,1

Detect Insect Weakness = 75,1

Detect Monster Weakness = 80,1

Detect Animal Weakness = 87,1

Detect Dragon Weakness = 88,1

Detect Plant Weakness = 104,1

Attack Aura = 77,2

War Cry = 78,2

Reflect Damage = 86,3

Majesty = 82,3

Rapid Shot = 99,2

Rage = 94,2

Ultimate Defense = 110,2

Ultimate Evasion = 111,2

Deflect Arrow = 112,4

Battle Roar = 121,6

Spirit Barrier = 123,3

Thrill Fight = 130,2

Hawk Eye = 131,3

Guts = 139,3

Frenzy = 176,3

Sprint = 230,2

Lionheart = 287,3

Duelist Spirit = 297,2

Soul of Sagittarius = 303,4

Angelic Icon = 406,3

Critical Blow = 409,10

Mortal Strike = 410,3

Stealth = 411,3

Rapid Fire = 413,8

Dead Eye = 414,8

Spirit of Sagittarius = 415,3

Blessing of Sagittarius = 416,3

Zealot = 420,3

Fell Swoop = 421,5

Infernal Form = 423,3

Blazing Skin = 1232,3

Freezing Skin = 1238,3

Seed of Fire = 1285,1

Seed of Water = 1286,1

Seed of Wind = 1287,1

Prayer = 1307,3



Chant of Life = 1229,18

Chant of Fury = 1251,2

Chant of Evasion = 1252,3

Chant of Rage = 1253,3

Chant of Revenge = 1284,3

Chant of Fire = 1006,3

Chant of Battle = 1007,3

Chant of Shielding = 1009,3

Chant of Spirit = 1362,1

Chant of Vampire = 1310,4

Flame Chant = 1002,3

Chant of Eagle = 1309,3

Chant of Predator = 1308,3

Earth Chant = 1391,3

War Chant = 1390,3



Eye of Pa'agrio = 1364,1

Soul of Pa'agrio = 1354,1

Pa'agrio's Emblem = 1415,1

Pa'agrio's Fist = 1416,1

Victories of Pa'agrio = 1414,1

Pa'agrian Gift = 1003,3

The Glory of Pa'agrio = 1008,3

The Tact of Pa'agrio = 1260,3

The Wisdom of Pa'agrio = 1004,3

Under the Protection of Pa'agrio = 1250,3

The Heart of Pa'agrio = 1256,13

The Rage of Pa'agrio = 1261,2

The Vision of Pa'agrio = 1249,3

The Tact of Pa'agrio  = 1260,3

Blessings of Pa'agrio = 1005,3

Pa'agrian Haste = 1282,2

:) ;) :)

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