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Okay, first of all I want to say that I am not asking this to help with some of you to discuss of any .On this forum I represent My clan that was after a long time established.Nobody asked you to support us but at least observe what the what we ourselves speaks out.We are same as you, only different Clan.I think that we are all tied for this game the same way, no matter where we are not the essential, no matter where we belong, the clan, whether we have this or what, this game is first and foremost, a lot of mass pvp, a lot of siege time, epic raids etc.You should make us respect and support, and you know that,the more Clans-better Community in the L2.

Otherwise we are clan who was still active at a time when l2Dragon was the best server,when l2Judgement was the best server in one of the finest and best organized an alliance since there l2community (Darkside Ally) We went from server to server and play with the best ( l2dragon, l2nightmare, l2judgement, L2Novus, l2Phoenix, l2darkside) are now equally a while back a handful of us who have remained loyal to this game and the clan, restored the Legacy Clan and we are looking for new members to join us, to play L2 together to meet and to share best online fun.A rest of you who dont think that I am right, so you have nothing to look for,here.Or support us, or let us, but at least respect us.


your attitude won't make you a respected member.↲Anyway, welcome and good luck on finding newt team mates to your clan.


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