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Access Levels



guys 8elw na ftia3w ena access lvl gia tous gm pou 8a exw pou na exoun mono aura hero //invis //vis kleidwmeno to trade, kleidwmeno to item kai na exoun kai //silence soz alla dn 3erw pws na to kanw xDD

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# AccessLevel

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This option will set the default AccessLevel for MasterAccess.

# Please be careful with this setting. Characters set to this AccessLevel will have the right to execute every AdminCommand in game.

# Default: 127 (Maximum value: 255)

MasterAccessLevel = 127


# Name color for those matching the above MasterAccess AccessLevel.

# Default: 00CCFF

MasterNameColor = 00CCFF


# Title color for those matching the above MasterAccess AccessLevel.

# Default: 00CCFF

MasterTitleColor = 00CCFF


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Sto eftiaksa gia sena.

100 Gm \ 150 sGM \ 200 Admin


 # Configure GM AccessLevels
GMAccessLevel = 200
GMMinLevel = 100
GMCanAltG = 100
GMCanAnnounce = 100
GMCanBan = 200
GMCanBanChat = 150
GMCanShop = 100
GMCanDelete = 150
GMCanKick = 100
GMMenu = 100
GMGodMode = 150
GMCanEditChar = 150
GMCanEditCharOther = 150
GMCanViewChar = 100
GMCanEditNPC = 100
GMCanViewNPC = 100
GMCanEditPriv = 150
GMCanViewPriv = 100
GMCanTeleport = 100
GMCanTeleportOther = 100
GMCanRestart = 150
GMMonsterRace = 100
GMRider = 100
GMFastUnstuck = 100
GMResurectFixed = 100
GMEnchant = 150
GMDoor = 100
GMRes = 100
GMPeaceAttack = 100
GMHeal = 100
GMUnblock = 100
GMCache = 100
GMTalkBlock = 100
GMTest = 100
GMFortSiege = 100 



Edw tous dineis Hero Aura.

 # Enable GMs to have the glowing aura of a Hero character.
GMHeroAura = True 

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pws 8a pros8esw twra access lvl gia gm me liga dikawmata? :S soz file an se zalisaaaa :///


/target ( p.x sony )

//changelvl 100 h 150 h 200


h anigois navicat\characters table\sony - psakse pou 8a leei Access lvl kai dwstou apo ekei.

( De prepei na einai mesa gia na piasei apo Navicat, Relogin k meta dwstou )

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:s dn exw file sta config pou na leei gmaccess.. na ftiaa3w?


Adminaccess? ti leei? apokleiete na mhn uparxei.

An sto config exeis fakelous p.x Custom\Bosses\Admin tote psakse k ekei.

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character, community server, extensions, feauture, floodprotector, fortsiege, general, grandboss,idfactory, l2jdp-version, l2jmods, l2j-version, mmo, npc, olympiad, pvp, rates, server, siege, telnet, terr.war,  auta exei

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auto me to hero aura pou to exei mesa sto general des...# Enable GMs to have the glowing aura of a Hero character on login.

# Notes:

# GMs can do "///hero" on themselves and get this aura voluntarily.

# It's advised to keep this off due to graphic lag.

# Default: False

GMHeroAura = True


# Auto set invulnerable status to a GM on login.

# Default: False

GMStartupInvulnerable = True


# Auto set invisible status to a GM on login.

# Default: False

GMStartupInvisible = True


# Auto block private messages to a GM on login.

# Default: False

GMStartupSilence = True


# Auto list GMs in GM list (/gmlist) on login.

# Default: False

GMStartupAutoList = True


# Auto set diet mode on to a GM on login (affects your weight penalty).

# Default: False

GMStartupDietMode = False


# The way //admin panel looks can be "modern" or "classic" (default is modern while classic provides more compatibility).

# Default: modern

GMAdminMenuStyle = modern


# Item restrictions apply to GMs aswell? (True = restricted usage)

# Default: True

GMItemRestriction = True


# Skill restrictions apply to GMs aswell? (True = restricted usage)

# Default: True

GMSkillRestriction = True


# Allow GMs to drop/trade non-tradeable and quest(drop only) items

# Default: False

GMTradeRestrictedItems = False


# Allow GMs to restart/exit while is fighting stance

# Default: True

GMRestartFighting = True


# Show the GM's name behind an announcement made by him

# example: "Announce: hi [HanWik]"

GMShowAnnouncerName = True

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8a deis mesa sto Gameserver an eimai sigouros, ena programma opou pernas rates kai alla xwris na mpeis Config, de 8umame pws legetai..

ekei 8a einai kai ta access lvl pou 8a dwseis.

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