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[Request] Gameserver Error Exception in thread "main" java



Hello to all well today when trying run GameServer of my server I get problem, somebody help me please? really grateful.



Starting L2Open GameServer.


Loading GameServer Configuration Files...

L2Properties: Missing property for key - DatapackRoot

L2Properties: Missing property for key - RemoteOnlineKeepStat

Could not load HexID file (./config/hexid.txt). Hopefully login will give us one


Loaded 43 Filter Words.

-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Database ]

MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.

Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]

Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireInc

rement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnCl

ose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailu

re -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connec

tionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSou

rceName -> 1gy25w48b1z0bo931r3tqlp|59e152c5, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTrace

s -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryCl

assLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -

> 1gy25w48b1z0bo931r3tqlp|59e152c5, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoo

lSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jopen, maxAdministrativeTaskTim

e -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections ->

0, maxPoolSize -> 100, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, m

inPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -

> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, p

ropertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout ->

false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> fa

lse ]

Updated characters online status.

Cleaned 0 elements from database in 0 s

Cleaned 0 expired timestamps from database.

IDFactory: 102912 id's available.

------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Engines ]

Initializing Script Engine Manager

Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1

Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.


Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6

Script Engine: Mozilla Rhino 1.6 release 2 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Ver

sion: 1.6

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ World ]

Initializing InstanceManager

Loaded 133 instance names

Multiverse Instance created

Universe Instance created

L2World: (128 by 136) World Region Grid set up.

-------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Skills ]

EnchantGroupsTable: Loaded 5 groups.

SkillTreeTable: Loaded 42293 skills.

FishingSkillTreeTable: Loaded 109 general skills.

DwarvenCraftSkillTreeTable: Loaded 8 dwarven skills.

PledgeSkillTreeTable: Loaded 44 pledge skills

TransformSkillTreeTable: Loaded 50 transform skills

SpecialSkillTreeTable: Loaded 3 special skills

PetSkillsTable: Loaded 1978 skills.

ResidentialSkillTable: Loaded 39 entities with associated skills.

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Items ]

ItemTable: Loaded 3046 Armors.

ItemTable: Loaded 10203 Items.

ItemTable: Loaded 3552 Weapons.

Highest item id used:22172

Extractable items data: Loaded 225 extractable items!

Extractable skills data: Loaded 433 extractable skills!

Summon items data: Loaded 51 summon items.

Enchant HP Bonus registered for 1526 items!

MerchantPriceConfigTable: Loaded 28 merchant price configs.

TradeController: Loaded 660 Buylists.

TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.

L2Multisell: Loaded 181 lists.

RecipeController: Loaded 936 recipes.

ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 145 armor sets.

ArmorSetsTable: Loaded 0 Custom armor sets.

FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.

---------------------------------------------------------------=[ Characters ]

CharTemplateTable: Loaded 103 Character Templates.

CharNameTable: Loaded 0 char names.

LevelUpData: Loaded 103 Character Level Up Templates.

AccessLevels: Loaded 7 from database.

AdminCommandAccessRights: Loaded 516 from database.

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Clans ]

Loaded 4 forums. Last forum id used: 4

Restored 0 clans from the database.

Initializing ClanHallManager

Initializing AuctionManager

Loaded: 38 auction(s)

Loaded: 0 clan halls

Loaded: 44 free clan halls

------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Geodata ]

Geodata Engine: Disabled.

---------------------------------------------------------------------=[ NPCs ]

NpcTable: (Re)Loaded 9802 NPC template(s).

NpcTable: (Re)Loaded 8 custom NPC template(s).

CustomDropList: Added 0 custom droplist.

NpcTable: Loaded 496 Minions.

NPC AI Data Table: Loaded 9802 AI Data.

NPC AI Data Table: Loaded 0 Custom AI Data.

Initializing Walkers Routes Table.

WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 34 Npc Walker Routes.

Loading zones...

Initializing GrandBossManager

GrandBossManager: Queen Ant(29001) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Core(29006) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Orfen(29014) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29019) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Baium(29020) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Zaken(29022) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Valakas(29028) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Frintezza(29045) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29066) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29067) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Antharas(29068) status is 0.

GrandBossManager: Loaded 11 Instances

Done: loaded 771 zones.

Searching clan halls doors:

DoorTable: Loaded 744 Door Templates for 19 regions.

StaticObject: Loaded 29 StaticObject Templates.

Initializing CastleManager

Loaded: 9 castles

Initializing FortManager

DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialized

SpawnTable: Loaded 39863 Npc Spawn Locations.

CustomSpawnTable: Loaded 0 Npc Spawn Locations.

Loaded: 21 fortress

Initializing FortSiegeManager

NpcBufferSkillIdsTable: Loaded 2 buffers and 64 skills.

RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #25623 from DB

RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #25624 from DB

RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #25625 from DB

RaidBossSpawnManager: Could not load raidboss #25626 from DB

RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 178 Instances

RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances

DayNightSpawnManager: Removed 0 night creatures

DayNightSpawnManager: Spawned 232 day creatures

GrandBossManager: Initialized 16 Grand Boss Zones

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Physical type monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Magical type monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spawns.

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager

FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time

Sat Oct 30 22:34:47 ART 2010 Atk announce scheduled to 35.0 minute of this hour.


DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.

DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.

Initializing QuestManager

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Siege ]

Initializing SiegeManager

SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!

SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.

SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie t

his week.

SevenSigns: Next period change set to Mon Nov 01 18:00:47 ART 2010

SevenSigns: Next period begins in 1 days, 19 hours and 25 mins.

Siege of Gludio: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Dion: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Giran: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Oren: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Aden: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Innadril: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Goddard: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Rune: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Siege of Schuttgart: Sun Nov 07 21:00:00 ART 2010

Initializing TerritoryWarManager

Initializing CastleManorManager

Manor System: Manor refresh updated

Manor System: New Schedule for manor refresh @ Sun Oct 31 20:00:00 ART 2010

Manor System: Manor period approve updated

Manor System: New Schedule for period approve @ Sun Oct 31 06:00:00 ART 2010

Initializing MercTicketManager

Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets

ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds

-----------------------------------------------------------------=[ Olympiad ]

Olympiad System: failed to load data from database, trying to load from file.

Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....

Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period

Olympiad System: 2245 minutes until period ends

Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10079 minutes

Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles

Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.

Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Sat Oct 30 18:00:47 ART 2010

Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.

Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.

--------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Cache ]

Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started


: Running lazy cache

Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)

TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 916 Teleport Location Templates.

UITable: Loaded 5 Categories.

UITable: Loaded 4 Keys.

Initializing PetitionManager

HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.

HennaTreeTable: Loaded 8136 Henna Tree Templates.

Helper Buff Table: Loaded 17 Templates.

Initializing AugmentationData.

AugmentationData: 10 bad skill(s) were skipped.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 24 accessory augmentation stats.

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 0

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 1

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 2

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 3

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 4

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 5

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 6

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 7

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 8

AugmentationData: Loaded: 17 blue, 106 purple and 54 red skills for lifeStoneLev

el 9

Initializing CursedWeaponsManager

Loaded : 2 cursed weapon(s).

------------------------------------------------------------------=[ Scripts ]

AirShipManager: Loaded 0 private airships

BotManager: Loaded 0 bot reports

Loading Server Scripts

HellboundManager: Initializing

HellboundManager: Current Level - 0

HellboundManager: Current Trust - 0

Next TerritoryWarTime: Sat Nov 06 20:00:00 ART 2010

Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.

Loaded: 565 quests

Loaded: 102 transformations.

Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.

SevenSignsFestival: The first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minute(s).

Event ID: (Medals Event) is not active yet... Ignored.

Event ID: (Squash Event) is not active yet... Ignored.

Event ID: (Valentines Event) has passed... Ignored.

AutoChatHandler: Loaded 32 handlers in total.

AutoSpawnHandler: Loaded 133 handlers in total.

[color=red]Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.getInstance(AdminCom


        at ru.l2open.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:294)

        at ru.l2open.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:453)

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.<init>(AdminCommandH


        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.<init>(AdminCommandH


        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler$SingletonHolder.<cli


        ... 3 more[/color]


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3 answers to this question

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You focked something which make error when admin commands are initialized, cf "AdminCommandHandler.getInstance"


It happens when this line is called

AdminCommandHandler.java, line 37


And it's surely related to "GameServer.java". The <init> thing. You perhaps deleted it.


If not, I don't know and verify what you edited, you made a stupid thing for sure.

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You focked something which make error when admin commands are initialized, cf "AdminCommandHandler.getInstance"


It happens when this line is called

AdminCommandHandler.java, line 37


And it's surely related to "GameServer.java". The <init> thing. You perhaps deleted it.


If not, I don't know and verify what you edited, you made a stupid thing for sure.

well thanks a lot for this, I don't do nothing stupid just get pack from SVN without errors :( but well I try read something forsee what can I do.
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Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.<init>(AdminCommandH


        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler.<init>(AdminCommandH


        at ru.l2open.gameserver.handler.AdminCommandHandler$SingletonHolder.<cli


        ... 3 more


Well as it says,that at AdminCommandHandler at line 42,29,157 something is wrong.

Go to check for what is happening there,you should find the prob at these lines which it says.

I Not rly can help furthermore ;/

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