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[League of Legends][Guide] Anivia the (untouchable) Cryophoenix!

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The time that i will share my guide for anivia has come! As you know anivia is a great Mage-AoE-nuker with low AP ratio for her skills, but if you know how to play her she can deal a huge ammount of dmg in a single or multiple targets. On the other hand she is too fragile and she needs some survival. The guide will be like

1) Stats

2) Skills

3) Runes

4) Masteries

5) Skills build

6) Item build







Damage 45 (+3.2 / per level)

Health 350 (+65 / per level)

Mana 257 (+53 / per level)

Move Speed 300

Armor 10.5 (+4 / per level)

Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)

Health Regen 0.93 (+0.07 / per level)

Mana Regen 0.9 (+0.12 / per level)


as u can see she has terrible health and mana so u will need some items for this problem. Her other stats are normal and you only need mana reg because of his high mana consume of her skills





(Q) 34-1.gif Flash Frost - Anivia brings her wings together and summons a sphere of ice that flies towards her opponents, chilling and damaging anyone in its path. When the lance explodes it does moderate damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area.

A massive chunk of ice flies toward target location, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.5) magic damage, slowing movement by 20%, and chilling any enemy it passes through. At the end of its range or if Anivia activates the spell again, the missile detonates, doing 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.5) magic damage in a small area and stunning units for .75 seconds.


80/100/120/140/160 Mana




(W) 34-2.gif Crystallize - Anivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impenetrable wall of ice to block the movement of her enemies. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts.

Anivia summons an impenetrable wall of ice 400/500/600/700/800 units wide, blocking all movement. The wall lasts for 5 seconds before it melts.


70/90/110/130/150 Mana




(E) 34-3.gif Frostbite - With a flap of her wings, Anivia blasts a freezing gust of wind at her target, dealing a medium amount of damage. If the target has been slowed by an ice effect, the damage they take is doubled.

Anivia blasts her target with a freezing wind, dealing 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5) magic damage. If the target has been chilled, they take double damage.


50/60/70/80/90 Mana




(R-ulti) 34-4.gif Glacial Storm - Anivia summons a driving rain of ice and hail to damage her enemies and slow their advance.

Toggle: Anivia calls forth a driving rain of ice and hail, dealing 80/120/160 (+0.25) magic damage per second, slowing their movement and attack speed by 20% for 2.5 seconds, and chilling them.


50/70/90 Mana Per Second




(Passive) 34-5.gif Rebirth - Upon dying, Anivia will revert into an egg. If the egg can survive for six seconds, she is gloriously reborn. This ability has a cooldown of 4 mins.


As u can see she has no good AP ratio but if you combine the Flash Frost with Glacial storm and then Frostbite u will deal too much damage in about 2.3 sec. (try to press Q again to blow your flash frost for stun and double damage)





Many guys think that all casters need a full rune page of AP or AP and Magic Pen. I dissagree so i builted my own rune page for her


Marks: Greater Mark Of Insight (+0.95 Magic Pen)5273.gif

Seals: Greater Seal Of Focus (-0.3 Cooldowns)5325.gif

Glyphs: Greater Glyph Of Potency (+0.99 AP)5297.gif

Quintessences: Greater Quintessence Of Fortitude (+32.4 Health)5345.gif


these runes are giving u a small advantage of AP and cooldown reduction and a huge advantage on your health so i use them for too early kills in order to farm for items so i can get late game kills ;)





i play anivia with 9-0-21 for mana reg that u need. i usually take clarity and ignite so at the utility masteries is usefull to have the clarity mastery. also at offensive masteries prefer to get the magic pen mastery and not the ignite one.



Skills Build


in order to take easy kills u should get a fast lvl up and combine your skills, so take Flash Frost as 1st skill. when u get in your MID lane (anivia is too good at mid) by killing the 1st creep wave u will level up and get Frostbite. to level up fast so to get an advance use your Flash Frost to kill creeps and by targeting your enemy at your lane. so after you get 1 lvl Flash Frost and 1 Lvl frostbite maximize your frostbite and then your flash frost. i usually don't get the Frost Wall until lvl 12. it's kinda useless in laning and you can kill way too faster and easier with flash frost and frostbite maximized. of course get your ulti when u can.



Item Build


so we finally reached the item build. this build is made by me and when i play anivia i use only this build and trust me it is the best.


when you begin buy a Doran's Ring1056.gif for health, AP and mana reg and a health potion. with your runes and masteries you will have 20 AP and 630 health or so.

after doran's when u have gold buy a amplifying tome1052.gif and turn it ASAP into a mejai's soulstealer3041.gif. it will help you a lot with your AP probs. after that get the 1st level of boots1001.gif and a catalyst3010.gif. after getting the catalyst get sorceress boots3020.gif and then a RoA(rod of ages)3027.gif. now you have a good AP and great HP and mana. when you finish your RoA get the Rabbadon's deathcap !!! ( no matter which item will you buy 1st) IF the game is not finished yet get another catalyst and turn it into a banshees veil3102.gif!! :O weired huh? y but it will help you to survive and the spell shield will help you to perform your combo w/o being interupted. and last but not least sell your Doran's Ring and buy a Gurddian Angel3026.gif!! it will stuck with your egg and your enemies will have to kill you 3 times!!!! also now you have a g very good Magic resist and armor so u can survive easily and your AP with 20 stucks on mejai's will be 510. u think that is low? NO cause your spells can do DOUBLE DAMAGE!!!! also you can buy Elixir of brilliance and fortitude whenever you feel like.



that's my guide of the Cryophoenix. i hope that u like it and try it at least once! it rly rocks :)



Credits: Stats and ability description from the official site of League Of Legends(lol-europe.com) Runes, Masteries, Skills/Item build by xBoRk

  • 6 months later...

i am maining as anivia,i got something like 100 ranked games and 70 wins with her,

according to plenty of quadrakills,triple kills etc...

i am really bored to explain you why this guide would make guys hate anivia this way,you make them play her.

just some tips


1)never start with doran,before lvl 5 you are so squishy,1 hit may cost you 1 health bar or smthing

2)catalyst on anivia is a must,your ulti cost really much to combo it with e.

3)cooldowns and m.pen on anivia,true,you dont need mana regen,nah,anivia doesnt need mana regen,

no her combo doesnt need 150 mp (80 from q,70 from ult)

4)guardian angel on anivia?are you going tank build anivia,you want to engage first on the fights and need some survival?

5)if anivia does well,your enemies won't take magic resist huh?ofc not,void staff is not needed on the most dmging caster in the game.

6)if you need real help on how to use your wall properly check this video.




@xtsili  it is an old and outdated guide...it still has zhynas ring on it

even though clarity and ignite on the slowest champ with the lowest hp in the game?:x


<3 Tsili.


[GR]Μαλάκα πώρωση με Sona ξανά. Να παίξει άλλος tank, θέλω να παίξω supports, πες του Phoe να πα να γαμηθεί μαζί με τη Janna του. 7/2/25 σε Ranked.


81.8 % win ratio Soraka (9/2)

64.3 % win ratio support Lux (9/5)

62.5 % win ratio Sona (5/3)

33.3 % win ratio Janna (2/4) ναι, fail και ας ήταν το πρώτο support που έπαιξα. Βασικά παλιά η Ashe ήταν support kk!


Δε φτάνει που σας έμαθα τι θα πει CV κωλώζωα.


<3 Tsili.


[GR]Μαλάκα πώρωση με Sona ξανά. Να παίξει άλλος tank, θέλω να παίξω supports, πες του Phoe να πα να γαμηθεί μαζί με τη Janna του. 7/2/25 σε Ranked.


81.8 % win ratio Soraka (9/2)

64.3 % win ratio support Lux (9/5)

62.5 % win ratio Sona (5/3)

33.3 % win ratio Janna (2/4) ναι, fail και ας ήταν το πρώτο support που έπαιξα. Βασικά παλιά η Ashe ήταν support kk!


Δε φτάνει που σας έμαθα τι θα πει CV κωλώζωα.


δεν παιζεις τον άντρα,δεν θεωρείσαι support.qq


δεν παιζεις τον άντρα,δεν θεωρείσαι support.qq


Ντάξει δεν έχω ακόμα τα αρχίδια να κυκλοφορώ δημοσίως με ροζ αμφίεση. Δεν είμαι ακόμα αρκετά άντρας... Για αυτό παίζω μόνο Females όπως είδες...


Ντάξει δεν έχω ακόμα τα αρχίδια να κυκλοφορώ δημοσίως με ροζ αμφίεση. Δεν είμαι ακόμα αρκετά άντρας... Για αυτό παίζω μόνο Females όπως είδες...


θα μάθεις κάποια στιγμή,γιε μου.

  • 2 weeks later...

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