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[Help] Crosshair with AWP etc.


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The title says it all.. i want to know how can i keep the crosshair with awp/scout etc.

I found this one http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64035.0 but the link that Morian gave is invalid maybe because is old.. please can some1 teach me how can i do?

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My custom awp have crosshair and working fine



Try it and give us a feedback

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I found this topic while i was searching but i thought it was only custom not with crosshair too..

I'll try it later and ill tell u how it works.


EDIT: Both of them works perfectly but i prefer Morian's one.. Ty both anyway.

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I found this topic while i was searching but i thought it was only custom not with crosshair too..

I'll try it later and ill tell u how it works

Yeah, my bad... I will edit the first post...

I will w8 ;)

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