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interlude L2Java - Faction WIPE TODAY 6PM!!! LEFT ONLY SOME HOURS!!!

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Nr Nick PVP PK Clan Class Status

1 Marmadukas 1351 39 EliteBlack GhostSentinel Online

2 Mask 1005 26 Adventurer Offline

3 Sorrow 773 22 Spartieciai Soultaker Online

4 InKa 741 6 EliteBlack Soultaker Offline

5 N0Nfactor 704 14 EliteBlack Sagittarius Online

6 Pph 600 10 EliteBlack MysticMuse Offline

7 Temptati0n 573 3 Soultaker Offline

8 xuxa 522 5 FameAndGlory Soultaker Online

9 Drakonas 470 3 StormScreamer Offline

10 SeventhSky 450 3 TheThirdReih GhostSentinel Offline


I am in top list! :P


It's so pity.

So many people started play here, and you don't do anything about class ballance, it's the same archer-dagger-necro.

If will be so bad, server don't have so many players, next, all balance come then char have full +35, augments, nor wulling daggers, but only in beginning...

Dagers-archers-mages dont need so many experiency to play, so it's easy, others class need some more experience, so it's harder to play, but if you know how to play, then and thease class will be great.


If will be so bad, server don't have so many players, next, all balance come then char have full +35, augments, nor wulling daggers, but only in beginning...

Dagers-archers-mages dont need so many experiency to play, so it's easy, next class need some skills, so it's harder to play, but if you know how to play, then and thease class will be great.


1st your mail i wanna donate

2nd they are 2 ppl that are unbeatable yesterday whole server was hitting one guy on adena zone FBI dint kill him whole server was hitting and nothing

1st is KirA and second MasterMister



If will be so bad, server don't have so many players, next, all balance come then char have full +35, augments, nor wulling daggers, but only in beginning...

Dagers-archers-mages dont need so many experiency to play, so it's easy, others class need some more experience, so it's harder to play, but if you know how to play, then and thease class will be great.

Where can i see donation list?

Where can i see donation list?

Login to website with you account and choose Donate (You can get/transfer GC to servers here). In 5000x, EOE servers you can get only Enchants and Cargo box (this can be get from TVT too)  In faction you can get enchants and jewels. Thats all :)

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