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hellbound [L2OFF] L2 DIEHARD


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Name is perfect.


It really DOES die hard. ;D

Get some proper protection lol. It went offline within 5 seconds.   ::)


?.. server has been online all day. even had 2 sieges, and no complaints of lag or "cant connect" at all.

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Overall changes:



-Gracia Final Buff bars are now implemented:

--20+4 Buff Slots / 6 Debuff Slots / 10 Song/Dance Slots


Certification System:

-The certification system is now working and those skills should be properly obtained via Avante-Garde npc.



-Transformations should now properly refresh skill list when dispelled.




-The ONLY current areas to obtain custom drops/coins/mantras are now COT, ACM, PI, Hellbound Isle Chimeras and Darion's.

-All previous Diehard raid drops are implemented.




-Timing set back to 4 hours

-No player amount required

-Class based and Non-Class based re-enabled

-Observing olympiad re-enabled

-Olympiad lists/rankings should now work properly.

-Anti-feeding system:

--Uses an enhanced algorithm to randomize the players during matches

--algorithm  checks players' of same clan and/or ally before creating matches

--Decrease a player's Olympiad points if disconnected from server.

--Decrease a player's Olympiad points if an inventory penalty occurs.


PVP mods:

Both players must be within 9 levels of each other to gain a pvp or pk point from the victim


PK Rewards:

-100 bronze coins awarded for every 10 pk points

PVP Rewards:

-200 bronze coins awarded for every 10 pvp points


Fun Mode:

5 Points: Server announces: UltraKill

10 Points: Server announces: MonsterKill

15 Points: Server announces: Killingspree


Attributes System:

-Uses retail formulas

-elemental attributes in skilldata working properly



Server-wide drop/item auto-decay:

300 Seconds


Party Exp fix:

-Divides the Bonus Exp/Sp Rates of a member that has then, between its party members.

-Fixed previous exp division (players were only receiving 1/2 exp while partied.)


Server Stability:



-Server will automatically announce server shutdown for restart every day 10 minutes before midnight, and will begin reboot at midnight.

-Server now has an anti-deadlocking mechanism, which will auto-restart the system if it is deadlocked for more than 1 minute.


-New Mitrael textures for Diehard Armor


There is a HUGE list of interior/server side updates, as well as a lot of new quests/quest data. I've only listed just a few of the key things that have changed.

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