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@Phoenix you never get the photoshop and you dont know where is the hard work and where is fail. look the pix-freaks templates and look this . you can understund it.

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@Phoenix you never get the photoshop and you dont know where is the hard work and where is fail. look the pix-freaks templates and look this . you can understund it.

agree with the part pix-freaks but the pix-freaks desingers is a profecional guys know good phothsop i think fuma now learning to desing
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Very nice.. you made it with front page??


what do you mean ?


@Phoenix you never get the photoshop and you dont know where is the hard work and where is fail. look the pix-freaks templates and look this . you can understund it.


blah blah ...



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Yeap this is for make site with out see code for html or php ..


and how you coded he??

whats the difficult on coding it without front page? jesus.
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Thanks for the Pix-Freaks comments. xD

@Phoenix you never get the photoshop and you dont know where is the hard work and where is fail.

That doesn't matter though.

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@Phoenix you never get the photoshop and you dont know where is the hard work and where is fail. look the pix-freaks templates and look this . you can understund it.


You are telling me that i don't know how to recognize a simple and a complicated. Thanks god i haven't any symptom of cancer at my body yet and i can understand there is the simple and there is the hard to make. My point was that it was simple a good but that doesn't mean perfect.


There isn't only good and bad there is a intermediate too. Since from your posts we can see that your knowledge on PS is quite impressive teach him , give him tips instead of making him feel like a zero , cause you were like that in the past too.


At least i can find proper serials for CS5.

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