i need a little help. If anyone maked a quest in l2j.
Here is my request:
I edited the questname-e.dat for add my quest.
I added in my py all codes needed for activate the cond. of the quest, but i dont see him in my quest windows.
I checked the adventure guildsman and my quest are inside with the description. So i dont undestant why he is not on my quest windows.
Here is my code in questname-e :
1 50010 1 a,Guild of Templar\0 a,Delivery of capitulation Letters\0 a,Templier of the Guild asks you to deliver his capitulation letter to the Vampire Guild. Becareful,\\n\0 0 0 151305.00000000 -13923.00000000 -4493.00000000 61 85 3 a,Vampire Nosferatus\0 0 1 1 50010 36337.00000000 -48233.00000000 -1096.00000000 a,No Requirements\0 a,Join the Templar Guild and fight for honor.\0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 -1000 -1001 99993 3 2500000 750000 1
And my code in py for active the quest and start the cond 1 :
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)
def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) :
try: st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_INFO)
except: return
eventSplit = event.split(" ")
event = eventSplit[0]
eventParam1 = eventSplit[1]
if event == "gethtml":
if eventParam1 == "1": return MainHtmlI(st)
elif eventParam1 == "6":
if st.getQuestItemsCount(lettere) == 0 :
return MainHtmlqIb(st)
def onFirstTalk (self,npc,player):
st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_INFO)
if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player)
npcId = npc.getNpcId()
id = st.getState()
cond = st.getInt("cond")
if id == State.COMPLETED :
htmltext = "<html><body>This quest has already been completed.</body></html>"
return htmltext
elif npcId == templier_door and id == State.CREATED:
if st.getQuestItemsCount(99997) < 1 : return MainHtmlntd(st)
if player.getLevel() >= 61 :
return MainHtmlpv(st)
htmltext = "<html><body>Quest for Templars level 61 and above.</body></html>"
I checked the database, the quest is started and the cond is 1, its ok, but, i dont see the quest on the quest windows with description, reward and the destination loc.
So, any guide or help? Or maybe i need to register my quest in another file what i missed?
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L2J Revision Number:4406
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i need a little help. If anyone maked a quest in l2j.
Here is my request:
I edited the questname-e.dat for add my quest.
I added in my py all codes needed for activate the cond. of the quest, but i dont see him in my quest windows.
I checked the adventure guildsman and my quest are inside with the description. So i dont undestant why he is not on my quest windows.
Here is my code in questname-e :
And my code in py for active the quest and start the cond 1 :
I checked the database, the quest is started and the cond is 1, its ok, but, i dont see the quest on the quest windows with description, reward and the destination loc.
So, any guide or help? Or maybe i need to register my quest in another file what i missed?
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